British Moms Are Leaving Their Newborns Nameless As They Breathlessly Await The Royal Baby Name
You and I may have bout of royal baby fever and be super jazzed (with a twinge of sadness) about the International Royal Baby Tour. But let’s all pause and have a moment of silence for those who are vastly more obsessed and royal baby crazed than our little community on the web. Such as British mothers who are intentionally leaving their newborn babies unnamed until the original P.O.C. gets here so they can jack that Prince(ess) name. Can I get a big resounding WTF.
Female First reports that in some completely unspecified survey of who knows how many women (a sure sign of BS), an alarming number of new mothers are SERIOUS about their royal baby naming:
Parents are given six weeks to name their new born and some parents are planning to take full advantage of that in order to see what William and Kate will name the royal baby. found that 42 per cent of new mothers are willing to put off naming their baby until Clarence House announce William and Kate’s choice of name.
If this is even just a handful of ladies shirking birth certificates in the maternity ward, I’m still backing away slowly and not making any sudden movements. But oh wait. They speak:
One heavily pregnant mum-to-be said, ”My husband and I have decided to wait to see what the royal baby is called before naming ours.
”We have thought of quite a few names but we both decided it would be lovely to see what Will and Kate choose first…”
…Another respondent said, ”I’d love for Will and Kate to go away from the ordinary and name their baby something really unique such as Princess Angel or Prince Dolphin.
”I’m sure they will stick to something traditional but it would be so fun and creative for them to surprise everybody with something unexpected.”
One mother-to-be said that naming her baby the same name as William and Kate’s child, she’ll be celebrating the royal birth in her own special way.
She said, ”My baby is due before the royal baby, but I already know I definitely want it to have the same name.
”The birth of Will and Kate’s baby is such a monumental event that is going to be remembered forever, just like the royal wedding. Giving my baby the same name is my personal way of celebrating.”
Her Royal Highness Princess Angel Of Cambridge? Imagine 40 of those in your pre-K class.
(photo: WENN)