Gallery: The Oldest Celebrity Dads (Robert DeNiro, 68, Is The Latest)
Robert DeNiro has become a father again at 68. Yup, 68. The new baby, a girl named Helen Grace, was born by a surrogate mother to DeNiro and his second wife, 56-year-old Grace Hightower (it’s the couple’s second child together and DeNiro’s sixth). Some people are calling it selfish and irresponsible, claiming this girl will be caring for her elderly parents while just a teenager. Others say it’s a blessing and that all that matters is that this child is cared for and loved.
Wherever you stand on the matter, one thing’s for certain: the world is filled with DeNiros that is, men who willingly become dads again at an age where, well, you kind of expect any birth announcements to be about their grandchildren. So, as the debate rages over DeNiro’s newest addition, we’ve rounded up a list of the oldest celebrities fathers out there.
What makes DeNiro stand out from the pack is that his wife isn’t decades younger, as is the case with many on our list. Take a look!