UPDATE: Watch The Cop Who Arrested Reese Witherspoon Handle Her Drunken Patriotism
Reese Witherspoon may be trying to repair her public image — and clearing up pregnancy rumors — with “Good Morning America” appearances. But despite her insistence that she was simply panicked and protecting her husband, we now have the video to see Reese’s sloppy behavior for ourselves. And goodness, does this cop have some patience.
In a video obtained by TMZ, we see Reese getting in the face of the cop simply doing his job. With a slightly southern twang, a tipsy Reese gets on a nationalist soapbox, exclaiming the following patriotic comments as the handcuffs come out. Imagine having to deal with this litany of “questions” while trying to keep drunk maniacs off the road:
“I’m a U.S. citizen … I’m allowed to stand on American ground and ask any question I want to ask,” she said…”I have to obey your orders?…I’m obstructing your justice? I’m being anti-American?”
It isn’t until Reese is escorted off screen that we hear her now infamous, “do you know my name? You’re about to find out who I am” line, shortly followed with her pregnancy lie and her need to use the restroom.
A hat tip to this cop for being to handle such celebrity bratty behavior without exclaiming “quiet you drunken idiot.”
UPDATE: Jim Toth tells Reese that her behavior “just turned it really bad”: