Recipe: Stupidly Easy Zucchini Pancakes
As I noted in my post about baby food earlier today, I try to feed my 10-month old food that we eat whenever possible. Usually that means roasting some vegetables in the oven with a little olive oil or butter and some spices. But sometimes, it can be hard to find easily chewable (gummable?) foods that the baby will like/chew easily.
So I’ve been looking for some foods I can make when roasted sweet potatoes or carrots get boring and I stumbled into creating these pancakes (after a failed attempt at making fried zucchini baby fritters). And now, whenever I am running low on food, I put these together for the baby. You can buy frozen vegetables and keep them on hand so it’s an option whenever you’re short on groceries. If you use a non-stick pan, you also won’t really need to cook these in butter.
2 Zucchinis (or other vegetables)
1 hunk of parmesan or other grated cheese
2 eggs
1/2 cup to 1.5 cups Bisquick
non-stick pan
Stick the zucchini in a food processor (hopefully not the Beaba Baby Cook) until chopped very finely. Same with the hunk of cheese (unless you are using pre-grated cheese).
Put the veggies/cheese in a bowl. Add two eggs. Mix. Add a bit of bisquick. Stick a dollop on a warm pan and see if it sticks together. If it does, you have zucchini pancakes! If not, add a little more bisquick. Cook pancakes. Done!
(Store the leftovers in the fridge and warm them in the microwave or stovetop for another meal for your baby.)
You can pretty much use any vegetable in here and have a nice meal that (hopefully) your kid will love. And it’s full of fresh veggies. Win.