Ray Rice Costumes Are Racist And Make Fun of Domestic Violence, So Of Course They’re Super Popular This Year
What do you do when blackface Halloween costume just isn’t offensive enough for you? Well, if you’re one of a shockingly large number of people on the Internet, you dress up as football player Ray Rice and his battered wife Janay. Racism? Check! Misogyny? Check! Humor at the expense of domestic violence victims? Check! Oh my god, they’ve done it: they’ve achieved the perfect Jerk Trifecta! What do they win, Merv? How about a public shaming on the Internet!
The fact that their kid who took the picture isn’t aware that his mom and dad are Grade A assholes is proof positive that they are terrible parents as well as racist, misogynist idiots.
No, sure, drag your kid into your horribly misguided and unfunny attempt at humor. Make sure you put him in blackface, too. And then post it for the Internet to see! I’m sure there’s zero chance this will haunt him later in life.
Pictures of these costumes have been cropping up on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as Halloween party season goes on. You know, Halloween is a time for scares and shocks, and I feel I have gotten the fright of my life seeing actual pictures of Ray Rice costumes that someone not only took the time to assemble, but that they also felt was a good idea to post on the Internet for other people to see. As a species, we are doomed, and that may just be a best case scenario. Perusing the hashtags that accompany these pictures on Instagram is also an exercise in despairing for humanity: #bestcostume, #hitabitch, #dragabitch, and of course the perfect pair of #domesticviolenceisnotfunny with #butmycostumewas. Ahh. Nothing like the refreshing taste of exceptionalism in the morning!
There’s nothing funny about beating women, and there is absolutely no valid reason on the planet to paint your vapid white face brown. If you are thinking of donning blackface for a costume this weekend, let alone trying to win some kind of misguided attempt at Asshole Bingo by actually doing a Ray Rice costume, first of all, no. No, do not do that. Secondly, and keep in mind this is coming from an atheist, you need Jesus. And lastly, please take a moment to wonder what Janay Rice feels about seeing her situation paraded around the Internet as some people’s idea of a “all in good fun” joke; although I’m guessing that if you’re at the point of making fun of her in costume form, you probably don’t really care very much about her feeling on the matter:
.@TMZ it’s sad, that my suffering amuses others
”” Janay Rice (@JanayRice) October 22, 2014
(Image: Ronald Martinez/Getty)