The 10 Worst Comments On The ‘Support Darren Wilson’ Facebook Page
I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised, since the same thing happened with George Zimmerman back in 2012. I don’t understand the kind of outpouring of support that comes after these things for the person who pulled the trigger. I mean, people have a right to support whomever they wish, but I can’t help but feel for Mike Brown‘s family, who get to watch people go out of their way to justify and excuse Wilson, the man who shot their son.
There’s your run of the mill “thanks, OBAMA” crazies with a little thinly veiled racism thrown in:
Then there’s this person, who just goes ahead and refers to black people as animals:
Any support page would be incomplete without the cries of “reverse racism” and some stuff about Jews:
Why can’t the news just tell me what I want to hear?
Here’s a hilarious pun about black people, but remember that if you suggest that Wilson’s supporters are racist, you’re really the racist one:
This man, who helpfully points out that the punishment for alleged theft is death:
It’s never been harder to be a white dude in America. You just can’t shoot black kids and have everybody mind their own damn business about it like you could in America’s golden age.
If the races were reversed, no one would even care, right? It must really suck to be vilified by strangers. I mean, not as much as being shot, but it still sucks.
(Images: Facebook)