23 Beautiful And Heartwarming Quotes About Mothers
There really is nothing quite like becoming a mother. You can research, read, and ask everyone you know for advice and to help prepare you for what it’s going to feel like. But, none of that can even come close to the experience. It’s a mix of amazing, miraculous, frustrating, scary, and pretty much every emotion in between. If you have a good relationship with your mom, it’s one that will shape you and your future. You’ll want to do what you can to create the same fuzzy feelings for your own kids.
Mothers make the world go ’round and we’ve rounded up some of the most heartwarming and beautiful quotes about mothers, motherhood, and raising a family. Take a look at our collection of quotes about mothers to remind you why it’s a good thing to turn out like your MOM.
A Mother’s Love
A Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. — Erich Fromm | Of course, Erich Fromm is talking about unconditional love. He was a social behaviorist and philosopher, so he knows a thing or two about human behavior. When it comes to unconditional love, mothers have it in spades; and it doesn’t matter when the child is rude, ungrateful or disrespectful. Moms love you regardless. Some kids really test their parents, but what makes moms remarkable and irreplaceable is their extreme patience, tolerance, and ability to make lemonade out of the craziest situations. Erich was known for describing the human experience with eloquence and emotion. He’s the guy who said, ”To love somebody is not just a strong feeling – it is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise.” We’re guessing he was including a mother’s love in this quote.
Made Mothers
God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers. ”” Rudyard Kipling | Most people have heard this quote, and would agree. Rudyard’s quote encompasses so much of what motherhood is; as well as the influence and power of a good mom on the wellbeing of her children. Good moms are nurturing, forgiving, supportive, reliable, and unstoppable. Such words are also the ones we use to describe God/higher being. This quote is perfect for telling us how special moms are, because it shows that Rudyard Kipling knows that mothers are vital to human survival. Rudyard was a journalist, a writer, and a poet who always looked at the bigger picture. Here, he’s saying moms are God’s right hand. They are the key to the future.
All Begins
Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. Robert Browning | Mothers are the givers of life. Everything begins with them. Everyone’s heard the phrase ”a mother’s love”¦” It’s usually followed by something like ”is forever” or ”can change the world.” When a child has a mother’s love, he/she may feel like he/she can do anything. Mothers give children confidence, self-esteem, and identity. Humanity would be lost without them. A popular English, Victorian poet by the name of Robert Browning knew as much; having lost his wife, Elizabeth Browning, to an untimely death. Elizabeth was also a famous poet in her own right, and her death had a profound effect on society and especially her husband. He references it in many of his writings. Robert is famous for incredible works like Men and Women and The Ring and the Book, and Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came which inspired Stephen King’s The Dark Tower.
Born of Love
We are born of love; Love is our mother. ”” Rumi | The first place we learn about love is from our mothers — through their sacrifice. A mother’s sacrifice of bearing the pain to give birth, of putting her child above her needs, and giving her all to guide her child through life — moms are the beginning of our existence. They spend countless time child-rearing, supporting, working, and building their children up to the best they can be; and they do it out of love. Rumi’s quote captures this idea so well. She’s described as the ”most popular” and ”best-selling” poet in the United States”. Rumi was a 13th century Persian poet, scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic whose wisdom is always spot on.
Mother’s Arms
A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them. Victor Hugo | Victor Hugo was a French poet and novelist who thrived in the Romantic movement. He is most inspirational because he overcame his personal tragedies like the deaths of his mother, his daughter, and his daughter’s husband. This quote celebrates the security and protection our children feel when they’re with parents who love them. Victor Hugo had a way of romanticizing or even over-explaining simple things. One of the most celebrated literary icons in France, Victor is also known for such quotes as: There is nothing like a dream to create the future. Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. If one were to simplify this quote, he/she would say, ”When you need a good night’s sleep, call MOM.”
Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws. Barbara Kingsolver | Barbara Kingsolver is an American novelist, essayist and poet. Her widely known works include The Poisonwood Bible, the tale of a missionary family in the Congo, and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. She was also a mother so her own experience undoubtedly shaped this quote. If you’ve heard of the mother who lifted the car twice her size to get to her child that was pinned underneath, you’ve also wondered how she did it. While no one knows for sure, we can guess it was her love for her child that enabled her to do the impossible. Barbara obviously supports the notions that motherhood can enable mothers to accomplish the inconceivable.
Toughen Up
That strong mother doesn’t tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in. Lauryn Hill | This is exactly what a modern-day mother would and should say to her child. These are hard times we’re living in, and moms like Lauryn Hill, don’t hold any punches. They’re upfront about telling their kids what it takes to survive and thrive in today’s world. They try to be honest about the skills needed to surpass the obstacles life presents to ensure their children are successful in life and able to defend themselves against danger/conflict. A mother of six and a multi-Grammy superstar, Lauryn definitely knows what she’s talking about when it comes to winning at life.
Pure Gold
It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful? Mahatma Gandhi | Mahatma Gandhi, an Indian activist who became THE icon for peace internationally encouraged nonviolent civil disobedience. He championed for India’s independence and inspired civil rights and freedom movements around the world. This quote, dedicated to moms, says they are always considered beautiful because of who they are and what they do. Moms inspire their children and their spouses to be their best. They protect their young from danger and show them how to be strong in spite of adversity. They nurture their family past their disappointments and applaud them when they succeed. Moms are everything to everyone especially to the people they love. In their eyes, they are forever ”beautiful people.”
Softer Light
The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge | In this quote, Samuel Taylor Coleridge relates motherhood to divinity. He supports the idea that mothers are nurturers that provide for their young. He was also a very religious man who followed the works of Charles Dickenson and heavily influenced American transcendentalism which focuses on the idea that people and nature have an inherent goodness. So when thinking of this quote, Samuel may have also been referencing the Virgin Mother Mary who Christians believe bore Jesus, the son of God. Mary is one of the most famous icons of motherhood, and in addition to a strong foundation of faith and spirituality, there is nothing more important to the emotional and physical development of child than the guidance of his mother.
Hearts of Children
Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children. William Makepeace Thackeray | William Makepeace Thackeray was a British novelist, a father to three daughters, and a husband to a wife he loved dearly. Unfortunately his wife had a nervous breakdown and never recovered. William’s sadness greatly affected his work and revealed itself in the memorable characters he developed. In this quote, William skillfully connects virtue and divinity to motherhood. He was heavily influenced by Emily Dickinson’s works which were known for their realism and strong commentary regarding society and conventionalism. His works were in direct contrast with her ideals and were often laced with sentimentality.
First Teacher
A child’s first teacher is its mother. Peng Liyuan | Peng Liyuan, Chinese contemporary singer and performing artist married to the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping, must have had a good mother AND a good teacher. This quote is evidence to that because it describes how important they both are. They each have a strong impact on the children they serve. But before a child ever steps into a teacher’s classroom, they are their mother’s students. They are listening and responding to the sounds of their parents’ voices and movements; especially to those of the mother (because she is closest); and they are learning how to speak and respond to the outside world so they are prepared when they are born. This is why mothers are literally the child’s first teacher.
Only Two
If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? Milton Berle | Milton Berle was an American comedian and actor so it’s no wonder he took a humorous approach to describing his perspective on mothers. When he talks about moms having less hands than what they need, he’s touching on the fact that moms often multi-task even though they’re often overwhelmed by the task. Moms can be cooking dinner, helping with homework, and trying to paint their nails for the next day — all in the name of fulfilling their maternal duties AND squeezing in some self-care. Today’s moms are always trying to do it all because everyone needs them! But we could definitely use more hands…
No Man Does
All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his. ”” Oscar Wilde | Oscar Wilde was a brilliant, 19th century poet known for his acclaimed works like The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest. His flamboyant style and wit attacked Victorian narrow-minded ideals, and encouraged nonconformity. With this quote, Oscar makes the idea of becoming like your parents feel not so bad, after all. This quote says women have it better than men because they can imitate their moms whereas men are usually discouraged to do so. Most parents don’t get enough credit, but they do a lot to successfully raise their kids. We’re lucky if we can follow in their footsteps.
No More War
I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars. E. M. Forster | With their compassion and maternal instinct, mothers can literally change the world. Some of the best leaders are mothers. Take a look at: Melinda Gates or Shonda Rhimes. They’re fabulous moms dominating the entertainment, technology, and philanthropic industries and working to be the best moms out there. The author of this quote, Edward Morgan Forster, was an English writer and librettist who championed human rights. His writings, like A Room with a View and A Passage to India, depicted the pursuit of personal happiness in spite of societal restrictions. His encouragement of female empowerment and motherhood rings true to his humanitarian mission.
All Mothers Want
Mothers all want their sons to grow up to be president, but they don’t want them to become politicians in the process. John F. Kennedy | John F. Kennedy, the 35th President, was known as the youngest man to be elected president. His most memorable line from his inaugural address included ”Ask not what your country can do for youask what you can do for your country.” He was a president that encouraged equal rights and new civil rights legislation. This quote is meant to remark on the integrity of the presidency, and the integrity of a mother’s wishes for her child. Though being President was considered an ideal job — this quote signifies Kennedy’s mother desire for him to be honest and worthy of the people’s faith in him.
No Greater
There is no greater warrior than a mother protecting her child – N. K Jemisin | Nora K. Jemisin is a famous American science fiction, fantasy writer and a psychologist. Her fiction explores motherhood, cultural conflict and oppression. She’s won several awards for her work, including the Locus Award and the Hugo Award for Best Novel. This quote mentions how fierce moms (all of species) can be when it comes to protecting and nurturing their child. Mothers will let nothing stand in their way when it comes to the needs of their children, and that’s what makes them so powerful and fearless. Jemison also wrote another beautiful mom quote that speaks volumes: “In a child’s eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way. I am convinced that this is the greatest power in the universe.”
Shows the Way
A mother is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. — John C. Maxwell | John Calvin Maxwell is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books on leadership. His books include The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. He’s also well-known for the famous quote: ”People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” This quote about motherhood is talking about how mother lead their families on the right course. They are the compass that directs the lives of those they protect and love. Without mothers, many children would feel incomplete and lost.
Growing Others
Before you are a mother, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a mother, success is all about growing others. – Jack Welch | John Francis is a renowned American business executive, author, and chemical engineer who retired from GE with the largest severance payment in history — $417 million. He knows what takes to build your reputation in the business world and is used to giving novices advice on how to grow their brand… In this quote, when he says motherhood is about growing others, he’s celebrating mothers, but probably also referencing how difficult it can be to raise a child to be self-sufficient, successful, and potentially, a great future entrepreneur.
Influence, Not Authority
The key to successful motherhood is influence, not authority. -Kenneth H. Blanchard | Ken Blanchard, the co-author of the bestseller, The One Minute Manager, is one of the most influential leadership consultants in the world. This quote is talking about influence because he believes the more time you spend with a child, the more positive influence you have over their life. Mothers are positive role models who take the time to train their children how to live and be successful in the world. It is their positive motivation not control that triggers growth in a child’s life. Blanchard also once said ”The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people.” The loving time you invest with a child is worth more to the child than your portrayal of who’s the boss.
Outlast Everything
Mothers are great. They outlast everything. But when they’re bad, they’re the worst thing that can happen. Carrie Fisher | Carrie Fisher, also known for her role as Princess Leia in Star Wars and its sequels, was a mother and daughter who often penned books on her experiences including the 1987 hit book Postcards from the Edge. In the book she talks about the loving yet dysfunctional relationship she shared with mother. This quote is also reminiscent of her relationship with her mother, her unresolved feeling about it, and how it affected her. Sadly, Fisher died of a heart attack months after the death of her mother. Fans were devastated, but she lives on in her movies, books, and those who love her.
We Want Our Mother
The truth is that no matter how old we are, as long as our mothers are alive, we want our mother. And it’s a very powerful relationship if it’s healthy. Goldie Hawn | Everyone knows the lovely Goldie Hawn. A popular American actress, producer, and singer who starred in classic movies like Overboard and Private Benjamin, and most recently, Snatched with Amy Schumer, Goldie Hawn is also a mother with three grown kids, Kate and Oliver Hudson, and Wyatt Russell all who grew up to become actors. With this quote, Goldie is speaking of the undying love kids have for their parents (and vice-versa). The unconditional, nurturing spirit of mothers towards their children creates an unbreakable bond that connects children and mothers for life; which is why it’s important that the bond is a healthy one, and not a co-dependent one.
Nothing Beyond
Mothers are the only ones that think nothing is beyond their control when it comes to their children.”” Ali Fazal | Ali Fazal, an Indian Bollywood actor and model, is known for his roles in Furious 7, Bollywood Hero and the Other End of the Line. His quote relates to how moms always have faith in their children no matter what happens or what they do. He’s speaking about a mother’s continuous faith in their child regardless of others’ opinions. Moms are usually their child’s #1 supporter and that’s why their children are so loyal. They appreciate the person that stood by them through the good and bad.
Real Heroes
Mothers who work full time they’re the real heroes. Kate Winslet | People have debated about whether moms should stay-at-home and raise the kids full-time OR find a babysitter and go to work for decades. As a parent, it can be very difficult trying to create a good work-life balance. But Kate Winslet makes her stance on the issue clear with this quote. It’s Ok to be a mom and work. Her life and parenting style are exhibit A. Kate Winslet, a British actress, is most recognized for her work in period dramas (like Titanic) and tragedies.
She’s won numerous awards for her movies including Academy Awards and an Emmy; and even a Grammy (in 2000, for Best Spoken Word Album for Children). But, she’s also the mom to two sons — one of which was diagnosed with autism. In his honor as well as to others touched by autism, Kate co-founded The Golden Hat Foundation to promote autism awareness. She obviously mastered the balance of working full-time and being an awesome mom.