9 Questions Your Kids Will Ask You About Your Period
Everyone knows that kids love to ask questions. They also pick up on a lot more than we give them credit for. I don’t make a habit of using the bathroom in front of my kids but over the last seven years of motherhood, we have had to use public stalls together numerous times and of course, they barge in on me at home whenever they see fit. That means that no matter how discreet I have been, they have seen some things and of course, they have asked some questions. The thing that has blown their minds the most is undoubtedly my period. Over the years, they have come up with some doozies, as I’m sure your kids have too. Here are some awkward questions your kids will ask you about your period:
1. “Momma, are you gonna die?”
It’s possible.
2. “Is that a rocket?”
Sure. Or a sword or a jelly fish. Dream big.
3. “Do you need a band-aid for that?”
In a manner of speaking. I know, I know- I won’t use your Hello Kitty ones.
4. “Can I play with these? They look like stickers!”
Go nuts.
5. “Why don’t I bleed when I go pee?”
Why isn’t your Daddy home yet?
6. “Does it hurt?”
Does a toddler shit his pants right before you walk out the door to run errands?
7. “Does Daddy get blood in his poop too?”
No. The curses haven’t worked yet. Dammit.
8. “Can we watch TV and eat cookies?”
Do whatever you want. Just let me bleed in peace.
9. “Is this the time where you need privacy?”
Why? Does that suddenly mean something to you?
(Image: verandah/Shutterstock)