Christian Dudes Made A Modesty Music Video To Slut-Shame Girls By Telling Them To Put On Clothes
Here’s something we all don’t want and need, a comedy song all about how young ladies should PUT IT ON, meaning more clothes that is, because some Christian dudes who are also dads wanted to open up dialogue about how women are portrayed or made to feel they have to dress a certain way to get noticed. Hey dues, thanks dudes for opening up this dialogue while subsequently shaming girls for how they dress if they aren’t hitting ‘da club in a turtleneck sweater.
[youtube_iframe id=”q_yIP7ynHqc”]
Is the video funny? Sure. Are these dudes talented? Obviously. But here’s the thing, why not take this talent and direct it towards making a comedy song all about how boys shouldn’t assume anything about girls due to how they dress? Or how about one about not raping girls if they are dressed a certain way? All this song is doing is putting the onus on women and girls that if they want to be respected (and not threatened, or harassed, or catcalled, or hit on by jerks, or objectified or raped) they should cover up, they should put it on. It’s so insulting.
I am sure these dudes have their heart in the right place and I’m sure this will be a big hit when they perform it for Christian youth groups, but I’m just so tired of the whole thing where girls are expected to put it on so they aren’t tempting all the boys around them. From Babble:
”We are comedians so part of our main motivation for writing this song was to mock all of the other songs and media pressures on young women to be scantily clad,” Dave Hopping said. ”Also though, as Christians who do a lot of youth events we thought it might be a fun way to open up dialogue about how women are portrayed or made to feel they have to dress a certain way to get noticed.” The recent birth of Brian’s daughter, Dave said, also inspired the pair. ”We hope this starts a revolution that catches on by the time she gets into music,” he joked.
You can hope that for your daughter, but I hope that if you ever have a son you make a new music video with a song that says “I won’t objectify a girl no matter how she is dressed.”
I can totally help these dues with the lyrics.
(Image:, H/T: Babble)