Pushy MIL Barges Her Way Into Delivery Room, Holds Baby Before Mom

A mother-in-law can be a blessing or a curse. You are either extremely lucky to get a good one, or you’re like 98% of the rest of married people, and yours is insane. A woman recently posted on Mumnet about some egregious shit her pushy MILĀ pulled at her delivery, and it sounds like hers falls into the latter category. Her husband doesn’t sound too great in the story either, tbh.

The woman was upset because her mother-in-law used her hospital ID to enter the OR right after the poster’s c-section. Then, the pushy MIL held the woman’s newborn before she had a chance to.

Image: Giphy

The poster shared the full story on Mumsnet. Apparently, her husband was scared because it had been a traumatic birth and the c-section was an emergency. The woman had stated before that she didn’t want any family in the room, and wanted to be given time to bond with the baby before they had visitors. But her husband called his mom for support. His mom, as it turns out, is a doctor at the same medical center.

When she arrived, she used her credentials and LET HERSELF INTO THE OPERATING ROOM WHILE MOM WAS BEING STITCHED UP.

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Image: Mumsnet

Then, THEN, the mother-in-law held the new baby before the woman who had just given birth to it.

To make matters worse, the woman’s doctor spoke openly about her private medical information while the MIL was still in the room, and she overheard everything. The blood, it is boiling.

Image: Giphy

Other posters offered words of support, assuring the OP that her feelings of anger were absolutely justified.

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Image: Mumsnet
pushy mil
Image: Mumsnet

Not everyone was in agreement, however. Shocking, we know!

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Image: Mumsnet

Fair point. But maybe MIL could’ve supported her son from outside the damn operating room? Just a thought.

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Image: Mumsnet

Well that’s not condescending at all, is it.

The OP followed up after her original post, saying that she’d talked to her husband and made her feelings known. According to her, he was apologetic and understanding, and he knew his mother shouldn’t have been there, he didn’t know how to address the situation.

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Image: Mumsnet

Hopefully, the original poster got the resolution she needed, and is enjoying the time with her new little one. But seriously people, when parents ask for no visitors, it’s just not that hard to honor their wishes! People can be so rude.

Also read:

(Image: Mumsnet)


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