10 Memes to Help You Shut Anti-Vaxxers Up
I would never be able to count the number of times some random anti-vaxxer on the internet called me a sheep for believing in science. I truly believe it is pointless arguing with these people, as they will just site some quack “doctor” on some unverified holistic site spouting anti-science bullshit. I see many people taking up the good fight – trying to inject reason where reason doesn’t live. It’s a colossal waste of time.
I found this amazing page on Facebook today, called Refutations To Anti-Vaccine Memes. I picked out a few of my favorites. Keep these handy, so whenever you need to give an internet smack down to some idiot arguing against vaccines – you can just throw one of these memes up. No use wasting your valuable time actually forming words that won’t get through to them anyway.
1. The “Your Stupidity Is Sending Me Into A Fiery Rage” Meme

2. The “Oh, Your Belief In Science Is Arbitrary” Meme
3. The “Highly Contagious Diseases Are Not Hip” Meme
4. The “The Right Food Will Cure Anything” Meme
5. The “Mama Bear Is Allowed To Believe In Science” Meme
6. The “Simply Looking Into Something Does Not Make You An Expert” Meme
7. The “Wow. You’re Really Impressionable” Meme
8. The “Stop Spreading Bullshit” Meme
9. The “Seriously? That Guy Can’t Even Practice Medicine Anymore” Meme