Pro-Life License Plates Are Driving Me Crazy
There have reportedly been attempts to introduce alternative plates including ones that read “Respect Choice” or “Trust Women. Respect choice” but they’ve been nixed by the Republican-controlled state legislature.
Am I the only one who finds this absurd? As a person who is staunchly pro-choice, I have no problem with someone plastering the words “Choose Life” on his or her license plate. I would, however, have a big problem if I couldn’t do the same only with my own beliefs. (Not that I’d feel the need to display my viewpoint like that in the first place, but that’s a whole other story.)
This is most definitely a free speech issue not an abortion issue as far as I’m concerned. And with $15 from each “Choose Life” plate going directly to a religious organization, the division between church and state is pretty much non-existent. Scary stuff, if you ask me…