In Honor Of Kerry Washington, Here Are 5 More Styles Preggo Ladies Should Totally Rock

When I was pregnant, my wardrobe pretty much consisted of yoga pants, concert t-shirts from the 90’s and more yoga pants. Thankfully I never had to dress up, but if I did, I would never have been able to do it with the style and grace of Kerry Washington. Because who else could pull off a crop top while pregnant? Especially a formal crop top?
This got me to thinking. What other pregggo no-nos should we be eskewing? Personally, I think anything goes, at least in the right setting. Here are some of my favorites.
5. Jeggings

Why did no one tell me these were a thing when I was pregnant? These look insanely comfortable, and really, who’s to say what constitutes as pants?
4. Crop Tops

This would have been a huge no-go for me when I was preggo, but seriously, Kerry Washington makes it look amazing. I am totally re-thinking this style, even in my non-pregnant state.
3. Mini Skirts

What pregnant woman wouldn’t want more breathing room?
2. Short Shorts

There is nothing about this outfit that isn’t awesome. The shorts are just the icing on the pregnancy comfort cake.
1. Heels

I think this is one of the most common things that everyone thinks has to go once your with child, but who says? I wore heels with all of my kids, and I wore them with pride. Nothing makes you feel more powerful than a great pair of heels (even if your feet say otherwise).