Pregnancy Memes You’ll Definitely Understand If You Couldn’t Stop Puking

Have a baby, they said. It will be fun, they said. But they didn’t say anything about the non-stop puking. Some women are blessed with nausea-free pregnancies…and then there are the rest of us. We puke 24 hours a day, our throats are raw, and damn it, we’re hungry. At least we have pregnancy memes to make us laugh. But not too hard, because you know, puking.

If you struggled with vomiting during pregnancy and think that whole idea of “morning sickness” is pure shit, these memes will give you the laugh you need to make it through another day.

1. It really does feel like a tsunami.

tsunami of puke pregnancy memes
Image: Facebook / Hyperemesis Gravidarum – HG Memes

It’s unrelenting.

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2. All those “helpful” suggestions get old real fast.

ginger and crackers
Image: Facebook / Hyperemesis Gravidarum – HG Memes

If I had a dollar for every time someone suggested ginger and crackers, my kid’s college tuition would be covered.

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3. It’s the worst hangover ever.

and you didn't even get any alcohol
Image: Pinterest

Honestly, it makes a hangover look like a walk in the park.

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4. Every. Single. Time.

and then I'll need to brush again

Sometimes just thinking about a toothbrush would make me gag.

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5. They said there would be glowing.

I will cut you
Image: SomeECards

The baby is beautiful. The barfing, not so much.

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6. It’s a vicious cycle.

vicious cycle

Don’t make the wrong choice!

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7. I literally can’t with these people.

said no one ever

Her: “I love morning sickness because then I know the baby is healthy and growing!” Me: *mind daggers*

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8. Just because you’re nauseated doesn’t mean you aren’t hungry.

it's the strongest emotion
Image: BabyCenter

My constant emotional state was “hangry.”

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9. All day. All night.

what time is it?
Image: BabyCenter

“What time is it? What day is it?” Me, after barfing for 187 straight days.

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10. Nausea doesn’t care about your to-do list.

And yet, I still have it

We still have jobs and lives and responsibilities that we have to wedge in between barfing sessions.

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11. The best-laid plans…

I swear I wanted to be healthy
Image: Instagram / @MyKoreanHusband

We’d love to eat healthy foods, but sometimes we just have to eat what won’t make us vomit.

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12. It should be called, ”Always Sickness”

Puking all day, puking all night
Image: Facebook /BuzzFeed Parents

It doesn’t matter what time it is. Nausea doesn’t wear a watch.

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13. The one thing that keeps us going…

can't wait for this day
Image: Imgur

That and the baby, of course.

Also read:

(Image: iStock / TatyanaGl)

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