40 Posts That’ll Make You Say ‘Me As A Parent’
Let’s face it, we are all in this parenting thing together. For those of us that have children, our lives can sometimes get a little crazy. Our little ones have us constantly going. Sometimes, we totally are off our game. Other times, we hold everything together pretty nicely. It really does take a village to raise a child! We can’t always get it right all the time. We all make mistakes, and we all parent in our own different ways, and that is okay. As long as at the end of the day, the kids are safely tucked into their own beds, then you’re doing a good job.
Let’s go back to the fact that we all parent in our own different ways. Sometimes that results in some hilarity along the way. We’re talking about the moments that make you laugh and giggle a bit to yourself. Moments of ”Did that just happen?” The times that have you in stitches because something silly just happened. The best part is that you know that there are parents out there just like you, doing the same silly things. We have found the best of the best posts that are totally relatable, and will make you LOL and totally ROFL.
When You Just Don’t Feel Like Socializing
We’ve all been there. It is a Saturday morning, and you’d much rather enjoy sleeping in. There is just one small thing keeping you from doing that: sports games. Whether it be football, soccer or cheer-leading, here you are at nearly the crack of dawn. You’ve got to make sure they eat a hearty breakfast, that they get ready and that you all get out the door on time. Even the cup of coffee you had can’t energize you enough to want to socialize with other parents. The cure for this? This awesomely cool pop-up zip tent that is sure to isolate you from perky parents who would normally swarm around you. Problem solved.
Chip Dipped
Like the title states, can’t waste food! We’ve all had those moments, with our sweet little babies in our lap. They snuggle and maybe fall asleep, and we snack. But it seems like this baby probably got some sour cream and onion flavored hair gel. Mom (or dad) in this case, knows the value of food in this day and age. It can be pretty expensive. So why waste all that good dip when you can just grab a chip and scoop it right back up again? We’re just hoping baby got a bath after that. Otherwise, they’ll be crawling around smelling like chips and dip!
Midnight Goblins
There is a good chance that we have all gone through this at some point in our parenting journeys. Sure, those horror movies were fun when we were watching them. But those creepy kids and freaky dolls in them? Scary as hell. But we’re older now and have children that can wake up at any hour and look for something to eat or drink. Naturally, if we hear a floorboard creak or a door open, we are obviously going to go check it out. Don’t have a light switch in the hallway? Now you’re just fumbling around, only to run into your mini-me, coming back from their midnight fridge raid.
Unbearable Homework
Ah, there is nothing like your child bringing home homework, and telling them to go do it. It gives you a little break to yourself, right? Then you hear from the other room, “Mom, can you please help me with my math homework?” Sweat begins to bead on your forehead. Your pulse quickens. Sure, simple math can be easy. But with all these new-fangled ways to come to an answer can make anybody’s head spin. It’s simple addition, folks. Last time we checked one plus one equals two. We don’t need 1576 steps just to get to that answer. Our kid’s math homework confuses us as much as it confuses them.
But I Can’t Do That
As parents, we all know that we would do absolutely anything in the world to make our children happy. But when it comes to Doritos, we’re talking serious business here. Cool Ranch is the best, and letting go is hard. However, you can tell your little one that there are some animal crackers in the closet with their name on it. They might just go for that, keyword being might. You do want to make sure you avoid a tantrum, though. So perhaps you could spare A chip. Just ONE chip. Better yet, next time, hide them in a box of a snack you know they don’t like, and they won’t have any idea you’re eating Doritos!
The Reading Bug
Most of us like to curl up with a good book, when we have a free moment. Wait, what’s a free moment? Those exist when you have kids? Well, at least we try. Nonetheless, our children would rather have their tablets over a book any day of the week. But a parent can try, right? If we’re reading a really great series that you just can’t get enough of, *cough* Harry Potter *cough* then why shouldn’t our kids enjoy it, too? Or at the very least, they can pretend that they like it. Hey, what have we got to lose, right?
That One Annoying Toy
All of our kids of course, have toys to play with. However there is almost always that one annoying toy that aunt Lilly or grandma purchased for them. That’s cool and all, but the only problem is that it won’t stop making noise. That, and it happens to be your child’s favorite toy of the moment. So you’re a parent that is constantly hearing this toy sing it’s perpetually annoying song over, and over and over. The solution? While your child is at school, pop those batteries out! Huh, guess I’ll have to take a look at your toy later, sweetie. Hope that they move on to another less annoying toy.
Half A Peace Sign
We’ve all experienced a tad bit of road rage now and then. You have the people who only do “rolling stops,” without even looking. People who run red lights, or know how to use a turning signal. Then of course, you have people who don’t even look before trying to merge into traffic on a busy highway, or switch lanes. That’s when the “half a peace sign” comes out. They may not be babies anymore, but there are kids in your car, and you certainly don’t want them getting hurt. So, we flip the bird and give a nice long honk now and then.
Animal Lovers Unite
Who doesn’t love puppies? They are so cute and cuddly and fuzzy, and their little paws and just everything! They’re the best with their little meaty paws, and cute and tiny cold little noses! So of course we can get another dog, sweetie! Who could say no? Your kids will totally love you for it, even if they promise to take care of it and then never do. A whole pack of puppies running about the house does sound tempting. Until you snap back to reality and realize that you have kids and realizing you will hear barking and yelling at the same time. Talk about a headache.
Winning With WiFi
How hard is it to get kids to clean the house? It can be so hard to get them to pick up the stuff in their rooms, let alone any other place in the house. But this smart mom came up with a genius way to get her kids to clean the kitchen by changing up their home’s WiFi password. We love that she went the extra mile and asked for a box of crackers to be in the photo as well. Hey, it’s one way for sure to get the house clean! Those kids will have that kitchen spotless in a matter of minutes.
Searching For Skittles
We all have a dirty little secret. We secretly sneak some of our kid’s candy for ourselves. They get so much candy between Christmas, Easter and Halloween, and even birthday parties. They’re surely not going to miss a piece or two, are they? It’s candy, of course they are going to keep a running total of what they have in their inventory! That’s when they have a good memory. You could totally just put the blame on daddy for this one and make him your scapegoat, or you could just ‘fess up. Either way, the Skittles have long since skedaddled.
They Do The Darnedest Things
It’s totally true. Kids do and say the darnedest things. We have all been there, when they say a bad word, or accidentally give the middle finger. We have to try to silently laugh to ourselves (which almost never works), and tell them that what they are doing is inappropriate. It is such a difficult balance. Usually we either end up leaving the room or bursting out in laughter. If the latter happens, then our kids are bound to wonder what in the world we are giggling to ourselves about. But, so it goes when it comes to the wonderful world of parenting.
Wait, I’m Not Ready
Having a baby is so much fun! Its great to watch them learn and grow and develop. Then comes the fun time when they start to gain their physical strengths. It is a really amazing thing to watch! Experiencing it is another thing entirely. Rolling over is awesome, crawling is cool. But then it gets real. They start walking. Once they start walking, then they are bound to start running around. Then they start grabbing things and running around. You then have to chase them everywhere to make sure nothing goes in their mouths. Chaos slowly ensues. Everyone starts crying.
Don’t Be Mean, Kids
Kids will bicker with their siblings, that is one thing that is for certain. Siblings can be their best friends and worst enemies at the very same time. Sometimes one will say things that are totally out of line and need to be disciplined for. Other times, well, it can be kind of funny. Sure, you will have to and say something to them about not saying it again, because it was mean. But silently, you chuckle to yourself. It is something that has happened to all of us, and will continue to happen up until adulthood. Even then its iffy.
Dead Batteries
This is certainly one form of discipline that is different, yet probably totally effective. Your kid is being too sassy? If your child has an electronic, whether it be a tablet or phone, hide their charger. Once their battery is drained, well, then playtime is over for now. Time to find something else to do. Hey, there is a whole bookshelf over there that are chock full of adventures that no town-building game can give them. Sure, you may not be their favorite person of the moment, but perhaps they’ll have learned their lesson, and won’t do it again. Parenting win.
We All Float
It’s kind of fun when you have kids that are really young, and can dress them any way you want! Take Halloween for example, you can literally put them in any costume that you want! They won’t know the difference. That is, until they’re old enough to find photos posted on social media. But that’s a ways away! Go for it, now while you still can! We simply can’t get enough of these two cuties dressed up as Pennywise and Georgie from the move IT, based on Stephen King’s famed novel. They even included the little paper boat! Pretty creative, if you ask us!
No, Please, Don’t
We’re totally not Wonder Woman here. Some of us have kids in school and at home. Some of us have jobs we need to work to make money. Then there are the extra-curricular activities that need to be attended to. Dinner to be cooked. You know, lots of things to do. So, joining your child’s school Parent Teacher Association is likely one of the last things that you have on your mind. So the threat of not being able to attend class parties with a bunch of little ones hyped up on sugar? Yeah, we’ll take a pass on that one. It hurts so deeply.
Vroom Vroom
Oh, yes. The joy that comes with having a teenage driver in the house. First, you have to teach them how to drive, which is a whole nerve-wracking experience that is all it’s own. But then, way too soon, they will be asking for the keys to the car so they can borrow it to go to the mall. This dad wanted to make certain that his child will obey traffic laws and does not go speeding down the highway. Now this is how you teach a teenager how to drive! Major props go to dad for thinking of this!
It is simply irresistible to put a bow in your baby girl’s hair! There are so many to choose from these days! They have sparkly ones, holiday themed bows, just so much that you can pick from! You can even get custom bows made! Plus, they are all just so gosh darn cute on them! We admit, the baby in this photo does look a tad bit frightened of the gigantically enormous gift wrap bow on her head. But we’re pretty sure that mom doesn’t let her go out of the house without accessorizing her with the right hair bow!
He Knows When You’re Awake
Nearly all of us at one point or another has threatened to call the big guy himself. We can whip out our phones and pretend to dial. The child stops dead in their tracks screaming “no!” Haven’t we told them that the man can see them while they’re sleeping, and he knows when they’re awake? So, Santa can see all this crap that’s going down right now, right? Oh, he is not going to be a happy camper when he finds out about that tantrum. Hey, we can use this excuse until they are at least eight or nine, until they figure it all out.
Are You Serious?
The kids are all finally settled into bed, tucked in tight. They’ve been read their stories, and they are fast asleep. Now it’s time for you to get some rest and relaxation. You turn the bedroom lights down low, and you grab a book to read. Before you know it, your eyelids are heavy, and you’re drifting off to sleep. But, your bladder has other things in mind. You’re thinking “seriously? I just got comfortable.” Plus, if you have kids that wake up if so much as a pin drops, getting up and heading towards the restroom seems risky. But, alas, it must be done before you can get a good night’s sleep.
They’re Here 24/7
Mornings are so crazy for parents! First, its all about getting the kids out of bed and dressed. If you’re lucky, they will get up the first time you call them. Then, you’ve got to juggle the joy of making breakfast for them. Seriously, you try to make it healthy. Tossing some banana slices in their cereal counts, right? But in all reality, with three kids, it probably means making three different breakfasts. Oh, and you can’t forget that you have got to pack their lunches, too! The juice box has an apple on the front. So, it counts, yeah?
It Always Goes Like That
Do you or one of your kids have to be somewhere in the morning? They are going to sleep in. You try to wake them, and they are going to fight you every step of the way. They will not budge. Next day, nothing to do. They’re on winter or summer break or just have a day off from school? They are going to be up at the a** crack of dawn, in your room, begging you to make them breakfast. This is what we call “Kid Logic.” No one has quite cracked the code yet, but this seems to be how it always goes.
Yeah, No Thanks
Morning chore chart? LOL now that is funny! You have got to be kidding us. Its all we have to just get the kids up and out of bed. Then they need to get dressed, eat breakfast, brush their teeth, get them to school, its all quite an ordeal. We do get it though, some moms do like to run a tight ship. But for most of us, it takes all the energy we have plus three pots of coffee just to get everything done in the morning. Thank goodness for the dry shampoo. Not just for the kids, but for us, too.
There I Am!
Doesn’t it always go this way? We spend nine long months creating a tiny human being in our bodies. All for them to come out looking just like their daddies. Sometimes we think they have our nose shape or our eye shape. But what we’ve given them tends to show up in an entirely different way. As it turns out, as moms, our kids have seemed to have acquired our very same skill of tripping over air and walking into walls. Pushing doors that say “pull,” and other silly personality quirks. Then we realize, we really are in there somewhere!
We’re NOT Going (But We Are)
When the kids misbehave, sometimes we resort to threatening to take something away from them, sometimes it could be a toy, or something bigger than that. For example, a trip to a theme park. You know that you’re all still going to go. Your partner knows that you are all still going to go. But if telling the kids they aren’t going to be going if they don’t stop fighting with each other works? Then you’re going to go with that tactic for a little peace and quiet. Wait, no. There they go again. Ah, children. Parenthood is a crazy ride just like an amusement park!
Cake For Breakfast!
Perhaps its the day after someone’s birthday, and there is some cake lying around the house. In the kitchen, beckoning you. Your kids see it, too. Your kid’s eyes look up at you pleadingly. “Can we have cake for breakfast, mom?!” Adamantly, you say no. That is way too much sugar before school! So, you prepare a nice breakfast of oatmeal and fruit juice. Then the kids get dressed and are on the bus to school. You’re side-eyeing that cake like nobody’s business. Should you? Yes, yes you should. Parenting is kinda hard, so you deserve a treat now and then.
We’ve All Done This
Haven’t we all done this? The kids are growing out of their clothes faster than you can blink. They have outgrown their baby toys. So, logically, there is only one thing to do. Spend a day cleaning and purging what they do not need or want anymore. Then, donate it to your local Goodwill store. You pack it in the trunk of your car, but then you get distracted by something else, or you have to pick up the kids from school. You forget about the bags. It happens. Months go by until you finally find a donation bin, and your trunk is clear again.
You’re Alright
Kids want to play outside, its natural, not to mention healthy. It gets them away from those screens they are constantly staring into. Perhaps you take them to the playground, or they are currently trying to scale the large tree in your backyard. Maybe they are trying to learn to ride a bike., or jump rope. In any case, kids are going to get scrapes and bruises and nicks and scratches from playing. It happens all the time, every single day. But seriously, there isn’t even any blood there. It’s just a little scratch. Get back out there and play!
Hashtag ProudMom
We slip now and then and let a curse word or two out. Oh, who the hell are we kidding? We’re sweary moms. Hey we try to curb our tongues. But our kids are sponges, absorbing every little bit of information that they hear or see. So, naturally they are going to swear, because they hear it from us. Even though we tell them it is not right to use those words, we’re secretly internally laughing our heads off. Its kind of hilarious. But yeah, they totally get brownie points if they use the word in the correct context. Not that those brownie points get them anything.
Out The Door
We all know how hard it is to get the kids up and out the door. You’ve got to round them up, tell them to put on the proper attire (depending on the weather), and get their shoes on. But, the clock on the wall seems to be mocking you, because not one child has shown up at the door, ready to go. You ask again if the kids are ready. No answer. Only to find them in the living room, not getting ready. Then its time for a “Put your shoes on right this instant, we are leaving right now, I don’t care about the cartoon.” That’s what usually gets the job done.
No, YOU Stop Yelling!
We’re going to yell now and then. We’re parents, they’re kids. Sometimes they can get on our last nerve and you yell. Nothing to be ashamed of. Nobody is perfect, and there is no such thing as the perfect parent. Sometimes the kids start to get rowdy and begin to get loud. They get louder, and louder, and louder, until they’ve hit a volume that you didn’t even know existed. So you yell at them to stop yelling. Hopefully a yelling match doesn’t ensue, and the kids calm down a bit. Take a nice deep breath, mama, you’re doing alright.
What Was I Doing?
Remember good old “pregnancy brain?” That feeling of forgetfulness that you would always feel? Yeah, two kids later and that forgetfulness hasn’t gone away. Hey, we roll out of bed in the morning, get the kids fed and to school on time. But that fogginess sticks around with you. Some days, no amount of caffeine in the world can change it. The only room we can probably remember what we went in for is the restroom. After that, it becomes “where are my keys?!” But as long as the kids are home, safe and fed, everything is going to be A-OK.
The Scare Is Real
This is 100% accurate. Nothing is more accurate than this. When you have a newborn baby, just about the scariest thing you can do is clip their nails. Because the last thing that you want to do is hurt them. But their nails have to be cut, because babies are known to scratch up their faces. But it’s not like we can take them to the doctor just to get their nails clipped. But perhaps you could pass off this responsibility to your partner. See if you can get them do it, they may be less afraid then you are.
Trying To Make Mom Friends
When we have kids, all of our old habits fall by the wayside. We don’t go out with the friends that we used to. They don’t have kids yet. It’s kinda weird. But trying to make mom friends can get pretty awkward, too. What do you say to the other moms at school pickup? At the park? It’s almost like the first day of school, all over again. Eventually you’re able to find someone that you jive with. Someone that totally gets it, and totally gets you. But hey, every mama has one thing in common: they made the tiny humans!
Not Just A Mom
Yes, we are moms. But if you look below the surface, you will find that there is much more to us than meets the eye. We enjoy a lot of different things! We have hobbies. We binge two seasons of Netflix shows in under five hours when the kids are at their grandparents. Then there is chocolate, and wine, pizza, the list can go on and on. Plus we can order stuff online at lightning speed. That counts as a superpower, doesn’t it? Sure, when the kids come back home, its back to #momlife. But until then, its burritos and online shopping for us.
Wait, We’re ADULTS?
Life is crazy, it goes by so fast. Seriously, sometimes it feels like we were just graduating from college. It can be hard to believe sometimes that we are parents. Really, are there “adultier adults” out there that can help us? Surely there must be. Cue the part where we call our parents for advice because we’re not sure what to do about a specific situation. They’ve been around the block once or twice, so they are definitely the “adultier adults.” Because sometimes, we don’t feel like we’re adulting. Even though we are. “Adulting” can be hard. We need a glass of wine.
We Can Hear You
If we’ve said it once, well, to be frank, we’re going to end up saying it a thousand more times. By the 2938th time, you have begun to yell. It can get pretty crazy. The kids are in the other room, and you know they are saying things that you would not want to hear. So you start to march towards them, and they suddenly stop their whispering. Did they not think we could hear them? What can we say, though? It’s kid fashion, they go through phases like this. Just another day of parenting as (relatively) normal. Carry on!
That First Day Back
Its been a grueling summer. Sure, there were fun trips to the beach, picnics in the park, birthday parties, all kinds of fun. But then there were the days that were a total nightmare. The kids aren’t listening, you’re trying to make dinner, and all sorts of crazy shenanigans are going down. So when the first day of school rolls around, it is totally natural to be excited! Plus, I mean you’re excited for all kinds of reasons, your kids are moving up a grade, perhaps to a new school, you get time to yourself for eight hours. There are all kinds of reasons to be happy!
Seriously, Where Is it?
It always happens when you have to be ready and out the door at a certain time. Whether it’s an appointment you have to be at, or a playgroup. It doesn’t matter. Its like the paradox of the lost sock. Its match is never found again. Your child has one shoe in their hands, but that’s it. Now you have to spend thirty minutes looking for the match to their shoe. It usually ends up being in the most obvious of areas, but somehow, you both missed it. Shoes, they just don’t walk away on their own, or do they?