Tweens With Porn Addiction Can Recover In Utah — With Horseback Riding!
Round the clock Internet access and smartphones are considered by some to be parenting saviors. Others contest the long-term effects of such activities as gadgets and WIFI have already become a fixture in contemporary childhood. But with the Internet also being home to a wealth of pornography, parents with porn-addicted tweens and teens have entirely different concerns when it comes to keeping their kids unplugged.
The Daily reports that parents who are struggling with definitely a newer wrinkle in parenting — porn addiction — can find hope in the freshly opened doors of Mount Pleasant Academy in Utah. The institution is home to struggling boys as young as 12 years old for up to nine months, creating a therapeutic environment of sports, fishing, horseback riding, and camping. Long-term students can even secure their high school diploma out among the horsies.
The services are far from cheap as parents are popping a reported $6,500 a month to get their kids this very needed help. But where exactly did the idea for a teenage porn addiction camp originate? Apparently, there is a demand. The Daily writes that porn addiction with “troubled boys” kept popping up in other treatment centers. Some current students have been referred to Mount Pleasant Academy from concerned parents and therapists. Boys from adopted homes make up a disproportionate number of attendees, and some have even committed “sexual offenses.” But a pricey academy isn’t making some parents feel any less stigmatized for the particular addiction that their child happens to possess.
One parent with a child in a similar academy put the shame into this very jarring perspective:
”You can’t talk to anyone about it, because it’s kind of embarrassing,” said the parent of an Oxbow student. ”You almost wish your kid was a drug addict because you could talk to someone about that.”
Addiction is addiction is far as I’m concerned. Equally dark and sinister no matter what we’re trafficking in, especially in the case of children. But this near wish by one parent that their child was a substance abuser lets you in on the added humiliation that comes with this particular avenue of modern parenting.
(photo: auremar/ Shutterstock)