Police Obtain Search Warrant For Baby Lisa Irwin Home
In the least surprising update regarding the missing 11-month-old Lisa Irwin, police announced hours ago that they have a warrant to search the family home her parents claim she was abducted from. They made it clear that the family would not be allowed in the Kansas City-area home.
Police had earlier chased a lead about a baby seen with two women in Manhattan, Kansas. That was not baby Lisa.
At the same time, Kansas City police picked up a search near the baby’s home, searching a wooded area. They came up empty. Police report they have no clues and that the parents are failing to answer vital questions.
From KCTV channel 5:
Earlier in the day, the parents of baby Lisa have been in and out of a home on North Walrond Street on Tuesday.
Baby Lisa has been missing for nearly two weeks now after her parents say she was taken from her crib.
Police say the last “unrestricted conversation” police had with Lisa Irwin’s parents was Oct. 6. After that, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin sought legal counsel from a local lawyer.
That was before their latest attorney, New York defender Joe Tacopina, was hired by an anonymous benefactor and introduced to the public on Monday.
Fifteen days is a long time to go missing. I worry that the outcome will be similar to what we found out in the Washington, D.C., area about missing 11-year-old William McQuain. Police said they believed they found his body yesterday.