Parents Unhappy That Play-Doh Cake Set Came With A Dildo Are Clearly Glass-Half-Empty Kind Of People
Some parents see penises where they do not exist. Not too long ago one mother found a bit of leftover extruded plastic stuck to the butt of a fairy princess doll and freaked out because she thought it was a penis, and now some parents are getting upset because their kids’ Play-Doh Sweet Shop Cake Mountain toy appears to have come with a dildo. But these parents at least have a point, because this totally looks like a penis.
.@PlayDoh nice job including a dildo shaped implement in cake mountain. Happy holidays!
”” TK (@teehom) December 30, 2014
Seriously, that is a penis. It has veins and everything! And it is an extruder designed to shoot molded Play-Doh right out the tip. It is amazing, and I cannot begin to conceive of how this toy made it out of design and development for Play-Doh without someone realizing that it looks exactly like a dildo.
Before hiring someone to tell them whether or not toys look like dildos, though, Play-Doh should hire another few people to help run their Facebook page. The brave social media soldier currently doing the job has been having a real day of it lately, because he or she has been swarmed with angry posts from parents complaining that their Christmases have been ruined by the Dil-Doh.
I dunno if anyone else follows Play-Doh on Facebook but you should cause they’re doing some serious damage control ”” El Clarko (@Fatgoldfish4) December 29, 2014
There might be a bit of schadenfreude going on in my house, but I’m pretty sure this is the funniest thing I have seen since the toy giraffe that screamed like it was being murdered. And while a few parents might be furious, some others recognize this design error as the gift that it is, because how often do you find a children’s toy that amuses the parents as much as the kids?
Soooooooooo @PlayDoh………. about that new design guy………..
”” Dave Shaw (@AOSDave) December 28, 2014
Errrrrrmmm Play-Doh mountain syringe …!! Is it me… . just don’t use the white play-Doh..
”” Miss P (@MissSNP73) December 25, 2014
“@sdotAKAskrumpo: Play doh need to re think this lol”
”” Nikki Acute (@NikkiAcute) December 25, 2014
I salute the designers who somehow managed to get this Play-Doh icing maker past their bosses.
”” Saladin Ahmed (@saladinahmed) December 30, 2014
I now want to buy this for everyone I know with kids. The kids will just think it’s a fun set for turning Plah-Doh into cupcakes, and will have no idea why mom cracks up every time a Play-Doh cookie gets frosted.
Photos: Amazon, Twitter