Pigging Out While Pregnant Is A Bad Idea, Says New Study
Most moms I know, myself included, were careful with how much weight we put on while pregnant. I won’t pretend it was for health reasons, exactly, but more because we didn’t want to be stuck having to lose an extra 10 or 20 lbs of weight postpartum (it can be difficult enough just losing the basic, healthy pounds that come with being pregnant).
Research shows that was a smart move (despite our reasoning). Women who gain an excessive amount of weight during pregnancy tend to have chubbier babies, and this may set their children up for being overweight or obese as they age, a new study suggests.
So what exactly constitutes healthy weight gain for moms-to-be be? According to guidelines by the Institute of Medicine, women at a healthy weight before pregnancy should gain 25 to 35 pounds while pregnant with a single baby (multiples is a whole other story). Overweight women should aim for 15 to 25 pounds, while obese women should limit their pregnancy weight gain to 11 to 20 pounds.
The study looked at 56 women 31 whose pregnancy weight gain fell within the guidelines and 25 who gained too much (none of the women had gestational diabetes). Researchers tested infants’ body fat and found that those born to women who exceeded the guidelines had 17.5 ounces of body fat, compared to 13.9 ounces among babies of women whose weight gain fell within the guidelines.
Bottom line? Eating for two is old-school. For your own health and for the sake of your unborn baby make smart food choices. What you consume while pregs will have a lasting impact on your child.
(Photo: Digital Vision)