Penelope Disick Makes A Suspiciously Late And Therefore Uncharacteristically Kardashian Tabloid Debut
Is it just me or is one month after birth a bit late for a Kardashian baby to be revealed tabloid style?
Kourtney Kardashian may have been griping about her mother Kris Jenner trying to profit off of her newborn, Penelope Scotland Disick, with pictures from the delivery room. Now, that sounds about right. But at officially 1-month-old, images of Penelope are just coming to us now, and in the form of that pretty obligatory and entirely standard US Weekly cover. A rookie celebrity mommy move what with publicity mastermind Jenner at the helm. I realize Twitter was down for a day and half a couple of weeks ago. But seriously, is Kris Jenner slipping? Remember, this celebrity tardiness is coming from a woman who not only advised her other daughter on her sex tape but also thought Kourtney’s hypothetical water birth would make for excellent TV viewing.
Perhaps Kris showed some restraint when faced with her daughter’s discontent regarding all those “money-making ideas,” a change of heart that I can absolutely get behind. I’m all for Kardashian children making their public debuts later and later. And by that I mean not at all.