10 Obnoxious Onesies You Should Not Put On Your Baby
We all know that babies can’t read and sometimes, it is very funny to put them in a onesie that says something silly that will make all of the literate people who see it laugh. I know we had a few for our kids given to us as gifts and it was amusing to put it on our innocent and clueless baby while we took pictures and giggled at their baby naivete.
The problem is, there is a line that parents should not cross into a place where you are not being clever or cute- you are being flat-out obnoxious. I have found some seriously disturbing onesies that prove my point- it is a very fine distinction between funny and obnoxious. Don’t be the parent that blurs it.
1. Ew. Just ew.

Any onesie that forces your friends and family to picture you getting all horned up from Twilight fan fiction is just bad.
2. No One Wants To Think Of Your Husband Farting

The only thing worse than forcing people to picture your Sexy Time is forcing them to picture your bodily functions.
3. Because Passing Out Drunk Is Hilarious

Call me no fun at all, but having known people that had terrible things happen to them while passed out drunk, I am thinking it in poor taste to make fun of it.
4. Calling Mommy Easy Is So Funny

Your easy-going nature is exactly what you want your baby advertising to anyone that can read!
5. It’s Not At All Creepy To Talk About Your Baby’s Penis Size

This is just sick.
6. Daddy Is Inept And Whoever Bought Me This Is Tacky

Because perpetuating the “my daddy knows nothing about taking care of me” myth is a great idea.
7. It’s Never Too Early To Teach Certain Lessons

Nothing says class and taste like an F bomb across your baby’s tiny chest! Might I also add that there must be a huge market for this because I found about 50 different options with this exact wording. Facepalm.
8. Titty Jokes + Babies = PROFIT

Nothing says class like insinuating that a baby breastfeeding is sexual!
9. Calling Names And Bad Grammar Is Hip

I’m not sure if the “your” is spelled wrong on purpose but either way, ick.
10. Ok, This One Is Awesome

I needed a palate cleanser and this is just amazing.