I Parent The Olivia Pope From ‘Scandal’ Way, And This Is Non-Negotiable
And I am madly in love with Kerry Washington and her portrayal of the totally kickass Olivia Pope with her gigantic Bambi eyes and quivering lip and Prada gloves and Dior dresses. And her ability to get anyone to do exactly what she wants with just her voice.
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I’m a fixer in my family and I owe a lot of the fact my kids usually do what I want to my Olivia Pope voice, which, parenting protip secret here, works like a charm. Putting the kids to bed? I tell my husband “I got this.”
This? This is over. You will go upstairs. You will brush your teeth. You will take time to not spit your toothpaste all over the mirror. Get your house in order. You will put on your pajamas and crawl into bed and turn off the light and I will be up there to kiss you in a few minutes but until then we are going to do things my way. This is non-negotiable.
And. It. Works.
I cannot be the only mom out there doing the Olivia Pope voice at her kids or spouse to get people to do what I want. It does not work on my husband because he knows what I am doing but on the kids it works like a charm. I was speaking to my sister the other day and when we were talking about the upcoming season finale I told her about my little Olivia imitation and she admitted she did the exact same thing. And it also worked for her! So come on, admit it, have you tried this yet? Are we all becoming more effective parents due to Olivia Pope? What if Fitz and Olivia end up together forever and they have a baby because zomg, it would be so cute. And who is the mole?
#OliviaPopeVoice. I haz it.
(Image: ABC)