The 10 Most Offensive Breastfeeding Memes on the Internet
I thought by now we had all come together and agreed that breastfeeding wasn’t sexual. There are plenty of people who are offended by breastfeeding in public because they feel that it is ”inappropriate.” Obviously, the way to eradicate this issue is to emphasize the fact that breastfeeding is a normal, human function used to provide food. It most certainly is not sexual, until someone makes a creepy breastfeeding meme about it.
I’ll be the first to admit that I have a terrible, below-the-belt sense of humor. But there’s something about associating babies with the word ”tits” that just grosses me out. There’s something even grosser about pretending like a baby gets something sexual out of breastfeeding, such as captioning a dopey looking infant with a dudebro quote about a ”nice rack.” And let’s not forget that these dopey babies are breastfeeding from their MOMS””increasing the ick factor even more.
Just, no. Stop it right now.
Breastfeeding is not sexual and never will be. The majority of internet memes are hilariously funny, but these top 10 offensive baby and boob memes completely miss the mark. If you haven’t seen these breastfeeding memes yet, you’re in for a treat:
1. Baby Wants Tits.
I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear this.
2. Annoying Baby Wants Tits.
There is so much that I hate about this ”annoying baby meme” that I don’t know where to begin.
3. Italian Baby Wants Tits.
Simple, understated, stupid.
4. The Most Interesting Baby In The World.
The perfect example of the Internet at its worst.
5. Boobs FTW.
Just not funny.
6. GTFO, Tits.
Reeeeeeal classy.
7. Toddler Wants Tits.
Keep it together, kid.
8. Drunk Baby Wants Tits.
Only possibly funny because of the ”your mom” joke.
9. Size Matters.
Of course, someone had to bring breast size into it.
10. You Aren’t Fooling Anyone.
The Internet loves this meme, and I still hate it.
(originally published Aug 12, 2014; Written by Bethany Ramos)