This ‘Not Pot’ Chocolate May Be the Sweet Answer to Your Anxiety Issues
If you struggle with anxiety and happen to love chocolate, this new product is right up your alley. Not Pot Chocolate is candy infused with cannabinoids, and the makers think it may just be the answer for a lot of people. Research has shown that regular marijuana use can reduce stress; but, if you’re not the pot smoking type, or want the same stress-reduction without the high, cannabinoid products can help.
Image: Giphy
Not Pot Chocolate hearts are infused with cannabidoil, or CBD. CBD is known for it’s anti-anxiety effects, and is non-psychoactive. Meaning, it’ll chill you out, but won’t get you high.
The compound found in marijuana that gets you high is called tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Not Pot Chocolate contains no THC, and is made from hemp oil. That means you can get it without a prescription or medical marijuana card.
The company suggests eating one Not Pot heart a day, sort of like a daily vitamin. The effects should build up over time. Reviews on the site say the candy has helped with everything from insomnia to flight anxiety. But again, it’s important to note that these candies are not designed to get you high in the traditional sense. So if you eat one and don’t feel like your head is floating above your body, don’t get discouraged. That is totally normal.
Every jar comes with stickers, too. Like I needed another reason to place an order.
Not Pot Chocolate can be ordered online and delivered right to your door. A 30-day supply costs $29.99, or you can subscribe at a discounted price of $26.99 per jar. Because it’s a non-psychoactive derivative, it’s legal in all 50 states. And again, you don’t need a prescription or medical marijuana card to purchase it. If you suffer from anxiety, or maybe just want a little something to help you when the stress gets to be too much, Not Pot is a delicious option.
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(Image: Instagram / @itsnotpot)