Nick Carter Had His First Drink At Age 2 So Don’t Feel Like Too Much Of A Crappy Parent
Parenting Olympics aside, there are usually moments in every mother and father’s child-raising tenure in which he or she feels that they are fudging up. And I’m not talking silly little mommy guilt lines about letting your kid what a little extra TV. Whatever your parenting weaknesses or regrets, I bet they don’t compare to former Backstreet Boy Nick Carter apparently taking a swig of booze at two years old. And furthermore, his parents laughing about it for years. No? You didn’t do this with your kids?
Radar Online reports that Nick Carter has released a memoir entitled Facing the Music and Living to Talk About It. In the book, Nick tells the following knee slapping family story:
”Family legend has it that when I was two years old, I crawled into one of the Yankee Rebel’s liquor storage rooms where I was caught drinking for the first time,” he reveals. ”My parents always laughed at that. I laughed too, for a while, and then I didn’t laugh at it any more.”
Indeed, alcohol was a constant presence in his home growing up. ”My parents ”¦always stressed about money, which is another reason they turned to alcohol so much,” he explains. ”I’m shocked to see home movies taken when I was nine and ten; in them, I’m pretending to be drinking. Clearly, I’m mimicking my parents.”
”In one home movie, my cousin and I are acting as if we were going out to a bar like two adults,” he writes. ”We danced and feigned we were partying. Looking back at how alcohol was part of our playtime, I realize just how deeply my parents’ drinking affected me. It was as if I was programmed to drink.”
I can get behind a little giggle or two when a kid accidentally taking a sip of mommy’s wine because they thought it’s grape juice or something. But based on this passage, Nick has been entrenched in some deeply-rooted substance abuse, which greatly puts into perspective instances like losing your cool every once in a blue moon or not breastfeeding (eye roll) or choosing to prioritize your career or whatever else modern parenting culture wants to antagonize parents about.
To echo one of my former colleagues, if you’re worried about your parenting choices, you’re probably a good mom. Chances are if you’re spending even a portion of your day on a parenting website today, you’re doing pretty okay…unless you’re hanging out at Yahoo! Questions.