Mommyish Resolutions: 10 Ways To Improve Your Health That Don’t Involve Diet Or Exercise
It’s Resolutions Week here at Mommyish! Check out all our other posts here.
For so many of us, each January 1st we tell ourselves we’re going to lose ten pounds this year. You make elaborate workout charts and resolve to survive on a diet of greens and fruit, like a bunny. And then because your plans were so restrictive, life happens and you can’t maintain your schedule. By the time spring rolls around, you’re disgusted with yourself for falling off the fitness express. Since my end goal is to be healthy, not skinny, this year I’m breaking the cycle. These New Year’s resolutions will improve your health without having to exercise or diet.
1. Floss.
If you are already a prodigious flosser, then pat yourself on the back and go on with your pearly whites. For the rest of us, adding this to your list of daily tasks will improve your smile and lower your risk for gum disease.
2. Get better sleep.
Brownie points if you can get yourself to put down the iPad and get more sleep, but if you are the parent to a newborn, the amount of sleep you get each night may be out of your hands. The quality of sleep you get is not. Whatever issues you have that keep you from getting a good snooze- make this the year you do something about it. Get a white noise machine, buy yourself a lighter comforter if you’re a warm sleeper or maybe try a pillow between you knees if you suffer from back pain. Find the things that hamper your rest and look for solutions- your health will benefit in the long run.
3. Drink more water.
Ok, maybe technically this involves changing your diet, but since we are talking adding to what you consume, not reducing it, I think it still belongs on this list. According to WebMD, dehydration can sneak up on you easily and cause serious health issues that are otherwise preventable. It’s so easy to forget to drink water during the day, especially if you are busy at your desk and don’t want to risk ruining your computer or chasing after little kids who will try to take a bath with the contents of your glass. Treat yourself to a new cup in a pattern you like that has a secure lid and sippy spout. Personally, I see a huge decrease in the number of headaches I get when I make sure to drink more, so this is at the top of my resolution list this year.
4. Use sunscreen.
The fake and bake look is so 2014. Sunscreen prevents sunburn, premature wrinkles and skin cancer which is why you should use it regularly. It’s fast and easy to apply, so you can get the whole family on board with this resolution.
5. Find a way to cope with stress.
Having high levels of stress can wreak havoc on your health. I like to run and do yoga to cope with my own stress, but there are tons of ways to handle tough times that don’t involve exercise. Maybe you get a notebook to write down your worries, maybe you start practicing a new breathing technique or develop a mantra. Perhaps you decide this will be the year you set up an appointment with a therapist. Whatever it takes to help manage your stress, let 2015 be the year you find your zen.
6. Go for a physical.
When you are juggling work and your kids’ schedules it is hard to find time to do things for yourself, but there’s no excuse for neglecting your own health. If you’re overdue for a check-up, blood draw or if you’ve been putting off going for an appointment for something that’s hurting you, make it your goal for 2015 to get to the doctor. You wouldn’t hesitate to take your kids if they needed an appointment because you want them to be well, and the same should go for yourself.
7. Moisturize.
Dry skin is itchy, uncomfortable and unnecessary. Take the extra 90 seconds when you get out of the shower to slather on some lotion and feel better about yourself and your freshly hydrated body.
8. Sit up straight.
If you work at a desk it can be easy to slouch, but this can be the year you change that. Good posture lets you take deeper breathes, can help reduce back and shoulder pain and can boost your metabolism because you automatically engage your core muscles to hold yourself upright. According to Wed MD, proper posture can help reduce headaches. Put a sticky on your desk or set a phone alarm to remind you to sit up straight until it becomes second nature.
9. Quit Smoking
You know you should quit, and the new year is a perfect opportunity to really go for it. Will it be easy? Maybe not. But it will be worth it.
10. Play games for your brain.
Some studies are seeing evidence that doing puzzles can help prevent dementia in older adults. But we can all get into the habit of using our brain more right now. Try brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand or swapping out a session of Candy Crush to do a crossword or Sudoku to help engage your mind in different ways.
(image: sondem/