The Netflix Function You’ve Been Waiting for Has Finally Arrived!
(Netflix / House of Cards)
Binge-watching has easily become a favored pastime for our generation. No matter who you ask, it seems like everyone’s always in the middle of marathoning a show on Netflix. Of course, our streaming capabilities are not quite yet at 100%. Ask any frequent Netflix user what gets their goat and more often than not, they’ll answer, “The credits/theme song.” Fortunately, Netflix has just added a feature that allows you to skip the intro altogether. No more having to fast forward, accidentally going too far, only to have to rewind again! Hurray!
The new “Skip Intro” button is only active on a number of shows so far, but it’s certainly a welcome start. When the credits begin to roll on a show, you’ll see the button pop up on the lower right hand side, just above the other buttons. And while it only works on web browsers so far, there’s a good chance it’ll start popping up on all our favorite shows soon enough.

See? It’s already on Gilmore Girls. (Okay, I know some folks like that song and I enjoy Carol King as much as the next fan, but seven seasons of “Where You Lead” is enough to drive anyone batty. Plus, not having to skip or fast-forward through credits means we are saving precious time that could be spent finding out who killed Laura Palmer on Twin Peaks or finding out if Elena finally decides to have her quinceañera or not on One Day At A Time.
Those of us who grew up in an era without streaming TV or DVR even, who still recall using our VCR to record grainy music videos, certainly appreciate this bit of affordable luxury.