This Bakery’s Response to People Trolling Them for a Vagina Cake Is Amazing
Brands and small businesses, take note: a solid social media response to a good old fashioned trolling will ALWAYS result in a boost to business. At least, that seems to be the case for Nadia Cakes, a bakery in Maple Grove, Minnesota. Nadia’s makes gorgeous cakes, but one in particular sent people’s minds right into the gutter. Did they backtrack and try to ignore it? Nope. Did they remove the offending cake picture and apologize to delicate fans? LOL, not so much. Nadia’s got trolled for a vagina cake, so they trolled everyone right back.
Nadia Cakes posted a picture of an absolutely gorgeous geode cake. But some pervert patrons saw something totally different. OK, I saw what the perverts saw, I realize what this says about me as a person.
Look at that stunning work of cake art! The colors, the amazing sugar work. That, uh, incredibly vaginal geode right there on the front. Wait, what? People couldn’t help but point out that this cake, as pretty as it is, resembles a vagina. And Nadia’s, to their credit, played right along. Their responses in the comments were HILARIOUS.

Geodes=vaginas and mushrooms=penises. “That vagina is a CAKE?!” Looks like Nadia Cakes just gained a completely new sector of business.

Nadia’s proves that if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! Their good-natured and hilarious responses on the comment thread are pure gold. There’s something so awesome about a small business having fun with their customers. And they likely gained hundreds more customers in the process.

LOL, that one is my favorite. I love when companies put as much effort into their social media as they do their products. Obviously, as you can see from the vagina cake, this place knows what they’re doing. And you’ll obviously have a great time working with their cake design team if you visit their bakery.
They updated and I’m dying laughing. Apparently, the cake didn’t sell. But it did sit in the sun.
“Soooo, we never sold the now infamous vageode cake. We put it on display in the Maple Grove shop where the sun from the window melted it. That yellow stuff is butter from the butter cream filling.
This is not a joke. This is not staged. THIS IS REAL LIFE.
This cake just never stops giving.”
So if you’re anywhere near Maple Grove, MN, I suggest heading over to Nadia’s and giving them some business. They also ship nationwide! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to place an order for a dozen vagina cupcakes to be delivered in time for Valentine’s Day.
(Image: Facebook/Nadia Cakes)