Must-Visit: Amber Dusick’s Musings On Motherhood Will Have You In Stitches
I literally laughed out loud last night we’re talking full-on belly laughter that caused my husband to politely shush me while reading Amber Dusick‘s blog, Crappy Pictures. Dusick, an artist and mother of two young boys, recounts her everyday parenting experiences via ‘crappy’ little drawings and words. It’s a simple concept but that one she pulls off with such humor and honesty, I’ve become an instant fan.
Here you’ll find posts about Dusick’s four-year-old thinking that being homeless is the coolest because you get to live in a box and pee outside. Or about her family dealing with the flu or, rather, not dealing, as was the case with her husband who claimed to have a mutated strain (such a familiar scene!). Dusick captures the nuances that make parenting so challenging like attempting to eat out at restaurant with the clan or, you know, sleeping but in a total we’re-all-in-this-together type of way (and her humor is totally dry, which I love).
Check it out when you’re need of a good laugh.
(Photo: Crappy Pictures)