Amazing Mother-in-Law Surrogate Carried Her Own Grandchild for Son and His Wife
Now this is what I call a good in-law relationship! When Kayla and Cody Jones decided to start a family, they knew they’d need the help of a surrogate. Kayla is unable to carry her own children, and they’d been searching for the perfect surrogate since they got married in 2012. But then, Cody’s mom Patty Resecker stepped up in a HUGE way. She offered to be their gestational surrogate, so this mother-in-law surrogate ended up carrying her own grandchild!
A mother-in-law surrogate may sound a little strange, but it’s actually pretty common. Gestational carriers like Patty are impregnated with fertilized eggs from a couple. So she was really just the oven for Kayla and Cody’s little bun.
Patty had to undergo lots of testing, but she was eventually cleared to continue with the surrogacy. The first embryo transfer in March 2017 didn’t take. But a second transfer in May of the same year resulted in a positive pregnancy test! The best part was, Kayla and Cody were able to get the good news themselves, with a little (more) help from Patty.
Says Kayla, “Patty left a urine in a specimen cup on her porch before she left for work. I picked it up and my husband and I tested at home. I cannot describe the feeling of seeing two pink lines!”
What an amazing experience! The pregnancy progressed well, and Kayla and Cody welcomed son Kross via c-section in December 2017. Patty says being able to help her son and daughter-in-law fulfill their dreams of being parents was one of the most rewarding experiences of her life.
Patty says, “This is something that has blessed not only me and my family, but also Kayla’s family. A child is a lifetime commitment and I knew there weren’t two more deserving people than them. To see them with Kross and see the parents they’re already becoming thrills my soul.”
What a beautiful story. And beautiful baby! Congrats to all, and well-done, Patty!
(Image: Facebook/Creating Baby Jones – Rosie Posie Photography)