Mother Arrested for Letting 7-Year-Old Drive Car
To be able to drive a car legally in the U.S., a person has to have a driver’s license. In some places one can get those at 15, but most of us are first able to drive at 16. That’s why it’s such a rite of passage that we all go through driver’s ed and get our licenses at roughly the same time. Really, that means the first rule of driving is that you have to be 16 to do it, but this week a mother was arrested for telling her 7-year-old to drive the car.
Oh, Florida Woman. What were you thinking? 7-year-old children can’t drive! Most of them can’t even reach the pedals.
One might think, “How did police even find out that the 7-year-old drove the car? Did someone see them?”
Nope. Police found out because the woman filmed the whole thing and posted it on the Internet.
Well, at least she saved police the trouble of finding her.
According to Fox, the woman was charged with child neglect and with allowing an authorized person to drive a motor vehicle after she posted the “funny” video of a very small child driving down an Orlando road and a school resource officer spotted the video online and notified the police. The 34-year-old mother apparently just thought it was funny and not, you know, dangerous as hell to let a 7-year-old drive a car on a road occupied by other drivers and pedestrians.
Police say the boy drove the car about a third of a mile and went about 28 miles per hour. That’s not exactly slow. Fortunately nobody was hurt or injured during the performance of this idiotic stunt,