Morning Feedings: Expecting Parents Hilariously Remix Fresh Prince Theme Song
This couple hilariously parodies The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song for their birth announcement –HuffPo Parents
5 Ways busy parents can make their kids feel special –Babble
4 (Fun) Games for practicing math –
Reasons why your child misbehaves and what you can do about it –YourTango
Avoid saying these 25 rude things every mom has heard when announcing another pregnancy –The Stir
Happy eighth birthday, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt –Celebrity Baby Scoop
Water safety tips for toddlers –Celeb Baby Laundry
How “fat talk” became a social epidemic (and how you can avoid it) –HuffPo Women
Your “lol of the day”: The New York Post responds to the Kimye wedding –The Frisky
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