Morning Feeding: We Need A Big Coloring Book Of Vaginas
The Big Coloring Book Of Vaginas is an actual coloring book for adults with drawings of ladyflowers to keep us busy with our Crayolas (The Frisky)
An unusual way to keep warm (Stylelist Home)
Hugh Jackman and Ava‘s cold weather stroll (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Casey Anthony‘s lawyer quits (Holly Baby)
As an “angry black woman,” Michelle Obama’s image comes full circle (DoubleX)
Six questions for Michelle Branch (
How are you coming on those New Year’s Resolutions? (YourTango)
The unspoken tragedy of Natalie Wood (The Hairpin)
CellulHitech Anti-cellulite Treatment (Truth In Aging)
Celeb breakfast secrets (YouBeauty)
What women bring to sports (HuffPo Women)
An all-natural dad comes to terms with IVF (Babble)