Morning Feeding: The Secret That Makes Housewife Blogs So Irresistible
My life as a stay-at-home mom of five young kids is much more challenging than my life as a single working woman was (National Catholic Register)
Iowa voters treated to daffy, homophobic robocall (DoubleX)
Nine easy tips to have more kitchen counter space (Stylelist Home)
Jennifer Lopez in the big apple with twins (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Mariah Carey‘s post-baby body (Holly Baby)
Celebrity moms who have adopted (
Unhappy families lead to more unhappy families (YourTango)
Mississippi’s “fetal personhood” amendment fails (The Frisky)
The culturally biased SAT (The Hairpin)
Five best foundations (Truth In Aging)
Get rid of turkey neck (YouBeauty)
How to host your debut Thanksgiving and not lose your mind (Huffpo Women)
How I learned about sex (Babble)
(photo: Shutterstock)