Morning Feeding: It’s Not Sexist To Point Out The Dangers Of Declining Birthrates
It’s tempting to look at David Brooks’ column and see it as just another front in the alleged ”war on women” (DoubleX)
23 things never to say to a pregnant woman (The Stir)
Drew Barrymore suffering morning sickness (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Your guide to maternity leave (
My ex just got remarried (YourTango)
Jessica Biel thinks that she was a strange child (The Frisky)
My mother the crypt keeper (The Hairpin)
The best trends for your body shape (YouBeauty)
Seven Twitter dos and don’ts from Jennifer Weiner (HuffPo Women)
How my diet changed the way I breastfeed (Babble)
(photo: Shutterstock)