Morning Feeding: Is It Illegal For 51-Year-Old Doug Hutchinson To Have Sex With His Teenage Wife?
Even though Courtney Alexis Stodden‘s parents have given consent to the marriage, it’s still illegal for an adult to have sex with a minor (DoubleX)
CDC urges pregnant women to get whooping cough disease (msnbc)
Study finds autistic toddler’s brains to be out of sync (Reuters)
Preuss School UCSD in La Jolla, California has done the most with the fewest resources (Daily Beast)
Seven-year-old steals a car in Michigan and drives 20 miles to his dad (AOL)
Five surprisingly easy ways to make kids smarter (
There appears to be a Go The Fuck To Sleep backlash (Slate)
Painterly placemats (ShelterPop)
Octomom Nadya Suleman is joining a celebrity dating show (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Eight dos and don’ts of guest wedding attire (YourTango)
Ten common vacations mistakes to avoid (
The highly questionable history of douche ads (The Frisky)
Questions from a cat sitter (The Hairpin)