Morning Feeding: I Don’t Want Another Baby — If It’s A Boy

I have an only child because I couldn’t guarantee a girl the second time (The Stir)

Have you heard Michael Jackson‘s anti-abortion song? (DoubleX)

Clare Danes is excited to become a mommy (Celeb Baby Laundry)

The benefits of breakfast (

Do doubts about my fiance mean I shouldn’t get married? (YourTango)

British solider gives birth at Afghan base, had no idea she was pregnant (The Frisky)

Ask a fear expert (The Hairpin)

Six ways to take the stress out of meal time (YouBeauty)

10 reasons men cheat (HuffPo Women)

Seven things I thought about parenting before I had a kid (Babble)

(photo: igor.stevanovic/ Shutterstock)

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