Morning Feeding: High Blood Pressure In Early Pregnancy Linked To Birth Defects
Babies born to women who suffer from high blood pressure in early pregnancy may be at higher risk of birth defects (The Guardian)
Jessica Simpson confirms that she’s pregnant (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Can football take back pink? (DoubleX)
Viola Davis adopts a baby girl (Holly Baby)
The secret to decorating with pink (Stylelist Home)
Nature places that kids will love (
Facebook doesn’t want you talking about safe sex (YourTango)
Britney Spears‘ “Criminal” video offers product placement and domestic violence (The Frisky)
The story of the botched colonic (The Hairpin)
Lumixyl MoistureLock Sunscreen (The Hairpin)
At-home skincare treatments (YouBeauty)
What one in five women choose over sex (HuffPo Women)
The top 15 mommy meltdowns (Babble)