Morning Feeding: Harper Beckham With Grandma While Dad Shoots Underwear Ads
Harper Beckham spends a day with grandma in England and dad talks about new underwear line. (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Teen Mom Amber Portwood’s three-year-old visits her in jail. (The Stir)
Bible blogger is being banned by some Christian groups. (DoubleX)
Ten untimely pop culture Halloween costumes. (The Frisky)
Romantic, mysterious maritime pieces. (The Hairpin)
Could an open relationship cure jealousy or just make it worse? (HuffPo Women)
Matching couple tattoos – too cute or too much? (Your Tango)
Fight sagging lips as we age. (YouBeauty)
My son is obsessed with butts: how one mother handles it. (Babble)
General Mills cutting sugar in cereal, but not in the US. (
(photo: Helga Esteb /