Morning Feeding: First Local Baby Of 2012 Clocks In At 12:05 A.M.
Three South Florida babies made their grand entrance on Sunday even before 2012 was an hour old (Miami Herald)
Michele Bachmann‘s gender isn’t a problem (DoubleX)
Four best ways to store cookware (Stylelist Home)
Christina Aguilera has dinner with her son (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Eden Wood is now a spokesmodel (Holly Baby)
12 weeks to a healthier family (
10 New Year’s resolutions for single women (YourTango)
Candy that explodes in your mouth (The Frisky)
Drunk off dessert? (The Hairpin)
Five best for eyelash growth (Truth In Aging)
Proven tips for New Year’s success (YouBeauty)
Happy birthday Patti Smith (HuffPo Women)
Confessions of a stay-at-home mom: I really want jury duty (Babble)