Morning Feeding: 10 Signs Our Kids Video Games Are Nothing Like The Old Days
Do you really want to go back to the days when a video game was really just a bunch of text commands? (The Stir)
No, Sarah Palin, Chick-fil-A boycotts aren’t suppressing free speech (Double X)
Elton John and Neil Patrick Harris join families in St. Tropez (Celeb Baby Laundry)
Emmett’s six month check up, is he too hyper? (
10 keys to Ryan Lochte’s heart (Your Tango)
Does your cat need Spanx? (The Frisky)
Talking the talk (The Hairpin)
DIY … surgery? (YouBeauty)
Do we focus on beach volleyball players’ bodies over their skills? (HuffPo Women)
Parenting haikus (Babble)
(Photo: Digital Media Pro/