Mommyish Poll: What Part Of LGBTQ History Would You Most Like To See In Your Kid’s Textbook?
California passed a bill today that will include LGBTQ figures in history textbooks for public schools. The passage of this bill makes California the first state in the United States to require the history and contributions of queer individuals in history lessons. Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill proposing a similar initiative in 2006, but Senator Mark Leno, a San Francisco Democrat who introduced the bill, said that keeping LGBTQ history out of classrooms, as well as the stories of any Americans, is essentially “selectively censoring history.”
Given the acceleration of gay rights in our country, there are many recent milestones to choose from when revising our textbooks. Which ones would you most like to see in your kid’s textbook? Feel free to add others in the comments!
[b5poll id=”c61ac8747455d15555af558e7905b01f”].