The 10 Most Read Mommyish Stories Of 2014 Somehow Include Vagina Cookies And Lego Porn
It’s always interesting to see what people read the most on a site. With a name like “Mommyish,” you’d probably guess it was some parenting advice or Mommy Wars piece; you would be wrong. For the second year in a row, a story about baked goods shaped like vaginas was by far the most read story on our site. Don’t ask — I have no idea. I’d like to think I’m just really adept at making vagina jokes, since the stories were both mine.
Here’s a list of stories from 2014 that got the most comments, Facebook shares, and page views of any other stories on our site. I’m already on the lookout for the next big vagina story for 2015. Kidding. Sort of.
1. Mom Bakes Vagina Cookies For 2nd Graders, Can’t Believe Teacher Has The Nerve To Refuse Them
Mom brings vagina cookies to second grade class, becomes irate when teacher refuses to serve them. The rest is history.
2. 10 Things I Thought Moms Were Exaggerating Until I Became One
Yup, parenting karma will bite you in the ass — in the form of making you deal with all of the things you thought parents were exaggerating about before you had kids of your own.
3. 8 Breastfeeding Covers That Will Make Everyone Around You More Comfortable
Spoiler alert: none of these are meant to be used by nursing mothers.
4. Why Your Penis Is Not A Breast
In which we attempt to explain to men everywhere that breastfeeding in public isn’t the same thing as “whipping out your dick.”
5. Stop Excusing The Actions Of A Murderer By Calling Him ”˜Heartbroken’
About the tragic and horrifying school shooting in Washington that left five high school kids dead and the disturbing public reaction to a murderer they excused as “heartbroken.”
Neighbor escorts mother’s child home because she doesn’t think he’s safe playing alone outside — then she calls the police. Just one of the many stories we covered this year about “helpful” neighbors.
7. 12 Snacks You Should Never Bring To Your Child’s Classroom
Inspired by the “vagina cookie” debacle, we created a list of other snacks you should probably avoid bringing to your child’s classroom.
8. 10 Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat While Pregnant
Including but not limited to sharks and raw hot dogs.
9. Gift-Grubby Mom-To-Be Sends Incredibly Annoying Poem To Everyone Who Missed Her Baby Shower
Can’t even begin to explain this one. You just really need to read it.
10. The 10 Naughty Lego Positions For Adults Only
Apparently, Lego+Porn= success.
(feature photo: CREATISTA/ Shutterstock)