Mommyish Gift Guide: The Top 7 Toys You Shouldn’t Bother Buying This Holiday
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So it’s now that time of year when you’re surfing those gift guides and 2012 “hottest toy” lists, determining what is actually worth your money and what isn’t. Maybe your kids have been squawking about getting a Justin Bieber doll since Halloween or maybe you have the more subtle kids who just email you their picks from the family computer. Either way, you’re the ultimate deciding factor on whether yet another piece of the Angry Birds franchise ends up wrapped in your living room — despite whatever toy trends dominate the TV.
So barring any letters to Santa specifically begging for those “Friends” LEGOs, here are the kinds of toys you should omit from your present list from the get go. Don’t buy the “hot toy” hype. Scratch them off so you can make room for something that will actually make your kids go nuts on that special day.