8 Things To Help You Out Of Your Winter, Funky Mommy Rut RIGHT NOW

We all have our moments when life becomes overwhelming and routine becomes rut. It’s almost the end of January, so no one is filled with the hope of sticking to a New Year’s resolution anymore. The holidays are over. It’s cold everywhere – this is the funkiest time of year.

Maybe I’m just prone to the seasonal blues, but I’ve found myself in a little bit of a rut. I’m usually content to just ride it out and soothe myself with chocolate – but that behavior generally hasn’t shown to be too effective in the past. So this year, I’m switching it up and actually making an attempt to cheer myself up. Here’s a few things I’ve been doing that are actually making me feel a little better.


1. Revisit that life-changing book you read in college.

Everyone has one of these, right? Mine was The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coelho. Guess what? It was just as good the second time around, almost 15 years later.

2. Buy a great lipstick.


Bright red lipstick makes me feel fantastic. This may sound totally stupid – but don’t knock it until you try it.

3. Meditate for a few minutes a day.

I talked about Calm.com last week – but in case you missed it, go there. I’m listening to it as I write this – and I’m forcing myself to take a couple two-minute breaks a day. The site has a timer, soothing music and really cool imagery.

4. Try a cleanse.

I know, I know – these are the worst. We’re supposed to think that, right? Only – they really aren’t. If you’re done breastfeeding look into one. I did the Clean Program (not the pricey packaged one – the juice at home one) and I felt like a new person at the end of it. I lost 14 pounds and broke my caffeine and sugar addiction. As soon as I’m done breastfeeding I’m doing this again.

5. Go to this website.

My Body Gallery is a site that lets users plug in their measurements and see what real women their size look like. Sometimes we reduce ourselves to a number on a scale and truly forget what we look like. It’s really nice to see other women your own size and realize how great they look.

6. Bring clothes to your local woman and children’s shelter.

This is a no-brainer. If you are parent you probably have  bunch of clothes to donate. Sometimes a little perspective goes a long way.

7. Call a friend and give an honest report on the state of your life.

Have you ever found yourself in a rut and realized absolutely no one knows you’re in one because you haven’t told a soul? I think sometimes we try to make our lives look more together than they are – at the expense of our own sanity. Call a good friend. Today.

8. Buy one of these.


I don’t know about you, but some good music always makes me feel better. Buy this portable blue tooth speaker. It’s affordable, waterproof and you can stick it in your shower and get your solo-performance on. You’re going to convince yourself you hear a baby crying the entire time you’re in there anyway – so you may as well drown out the imaginary noise.

(photo: Getty Images)

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