Mom Fakes Threatening Note From Santa To Make Her Daughter Fall In Line
Christmas has jumped the shark. Not the birth of Christ — if you’re into celebrating that — but the whole Santa and his elves debacle. When we’ve come to a point where we need to start using elves as Santa’s Gestapo we’ve taken a wrong parenting turn.
We’ve been trying to get better behavior out of kids by threatening them with Santa for years. One mom turned it up a notch with this terrifying letter from Santa to her misbehaving daughter. Her brother posted it to Reddit with the note, “My sister just dropped a nuke in the war to get her kid to behave.”
“I’m watching, Santa Claus.” That sent a chill down my spine. Santa is watching Lydia through her home security system. I think we have a plot for a new horror movie. Santa is terrifying and her parents can’t be trusted. No wonder Lydia is hitting her brother.
I’m not immune to trying to coax good behavior out of my child with the subtle suggestion of reward (read, BRIBERY). I’m also not immune to trying to coax good behavior out of my child with the subtle suggestion of unfavorable consequences (read, THREATS). So maybe this mom is a genius. Or maybe she’s made Santa into a terrifying mobster who spends the time leading up to Christmas sending threatening notes to children all over the land instead of happily encouraging his elves to finish the billions of gifts they need to make. God, when you write it out like that, this Santa-myth is really absurd.
If I’ve learned anything about parenting it’s that I shouldn’t rush to judgment. I was threatening my kid with that dumb Elf the minute he made his way into our house. I’m probably not too far from turning Santa into my muscle.