Mom Shares Photo of Her Postpartum Belly After Having 3 Babies in 11 Months
That dang postpartum belly is NO JOKE. Most women walk around looking 4 months pregnant for weeks after having a baby. The pouch, the stretch marks, the sagging skin: our bodies need time to readjust after pregnancy. One mom is proudly showing off her postpartum belly after having three babies in under a year. YES, THREE BABIES. Go on with your bad (and probably exhausted) self, mom!
Eliza Curby of Sydney, Australia had a baby girl in early 2016 named Charlie. She put a bit too much trust in the “you can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding” myth, and wouldn’t you know, found herself pregnant. WITH TWINS!
Very important PSA: You absolutely can get pregnant while breastfeeding!
And that is how Eliza ended up with three babies in 11 months. Honestly, just typing that sentence gives me the cold sweats. The identical twin boys, Wolfe and Jack, arrived on Christmas Eve 2016. Says Eliza, “I do feel like I have triplets – Irish triplets!” She started a blog, Twingenuity, to document their incredibly full and hectic lives. Last week, she opened up about her body and postpartum belly in a very raw and beautiful Instagram post.
“Just because..Because I’m not embarrassed of the scars my body now carries. Because I’m proud of what my body has done for me. Because many women feel the need to hide it. Because famous women post “look at my body just three weeks postpartum” and portray unrealistic images of what it means to be a mother. Because I feel beautiful in my own skin – even if there’s alotttt of it! Because beauty takes many forms. Because I can. Because you should also be proud. This is me… because I love my body.”
“Because I feel beautiful in my own skin – even if there’s alotttt of it!” We love your postpartum belly, Eliza!
Eliza’s post has resonated with a lot of people, women in particular. One woman said Eliza has helped her feel more comfortable in her own skin. And one man wrote that his wife often worries about her “mum-tum”, but that he’s never found her more attractive. Feeling good about oneself is always important, but for postpartum women, encouragement like this can be an absolute lifesaver. Mum-tums (seriously, how cute is that) are something to be proud of you. You earned that extra skin, ladies!
Eliza certainly has her hands full, and the last thing she should be worrying about is her belly. Our bodies do miraculous things, and they should be celebrated. In all shapes, colors, and sizes. I’m still a little shook over the three kids in under a year thing (I’ve had nightmares about that), but Eliza and family seem to have taken it all in stride. For all the women and their postpartum bellies, go on with your bad-asses!
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- People of Reddit Reveal How to Handle Pregnancy News While Battling Infertility
- People of Reddit Reveal How to Handle Pregnancy News While Battling Infertility
- Breastfed Baby Forced to Use Formula Thanks to Father and Judge Who Sided With Him
(Image: Instagram /