Pennsylvania Mom Scours Egypt In Burqa To Rescue Her Allegedly Kidnapped Son From Crazy Ex
Kalli Atteya deserves a space right next to the famously bad ass mom who dismantled prostitution rings looking for her abducted daughter. Kalli not only traveled to the ends of the earth looking for her missing son, but she found him. And all it took was two years, a private investigator, months in disguise, and a motorized cart.
New York Daily News reports that “a daring Pennsylvania mother” has rescued her 12-year-old son Niko by traveling all the way to Egypt. Kalli’s ex-husband, Mohamed Atteya, reportedly took off with his son after abandoning his ex-wife and daughter on a highway in Egypt. That was two years ago.
According to other reports, Kalli and her son were “lured” to Egypt by Mohamed to visit his dying mother. Authorities as well as “private companies” have since been involved but there had been no successful attempts to locate Niko.
The father’s motives are allegedly religious:
He kidnapped the boy “to make him a Muslim,” Kalli, of Chambersburg, near the Maryland line, told
“He said that we lack the morality and the values that their system has,” she said. “And he said that Americans were so violent, he said we are a rotting society.”
Kalli later traveled to Egypt four times. Both she and an investigator later found the boy on her last trip, and she reportedly spent months “disguised in a burqa” following both Niko and Mohamed around Alexandria. She tells one outlet that she came so close to her missing son that she could touch him, but refrained.
But one day, she found her opportunity:
She made her move on March 14. Niko, now 12, was getting off a school bus when his shrouded mother approached, grabbed him, and hustled to a motorized cart.
“Get in,” she said, according to
The boy recognized his mother’s blue eyes.
They went to a safe house and stayed there for three weeks before flying back to the U.S.
Today, the pair is staying at an undisclosed location, fearful of their safety.
Mohamed Atteya is currently wanted for forging documents claiming that his son was Egyptian and kidnapping an American citizen. Niko’s aunt maintains that he “always knew his mother would come for him.” Come thousands of miles, burqa disguises, or high water.
(photo: tommaso delpiano / Shutterstock)