Mom Posts Amazingly Humiliating Sign In Bathroom And Even I’m Cringing For This Kid
(Image: Droplynx)
SO awkwaaaaaaaaard. Not that I’m the expert on masturbating teenagers but Moms, please listen to me!
Invest in moderately priced towels from Target or any other department store. Buy one or two sets. Present them to your son and say “Here, these are your towels. Please do not use my towels or the guest towels. When they are dirty, please put them in the wash.”
Actually, at age 13, your kid can be expected to wash their own towels.
Buy many boxes of tissues and have them around the house. You can even give your boys their own boxes of Kleenex. Simply say: “Here, you can keep these in your bedroom.” Also leave them in the bathroom! They can even be generic brands! If you are a mother of an infant son, just start buying boxes of tissues now. Rent a storage unit to save them in. By the time your kid reaches masturbatory age you will be prepared. Become like some weird survivalist person but instead of hoarding handguns and canned goods and bottled water, start hoarding rolls of paper towels and boxes of tissue.
Buy your pubescent boy an extra set of sheets. Leave them in his bedroom closet. He is old enough to change them when needed and wash his dirty bedding.
Also, some boys actually really like My Little Pony and Justin Bieber. There is nothing wrong with that. Actually, your son may secretly really like these things and by redecorating your bathroom in these themes you may be unintentionally encouraging him to use your bathroom as his solo-sex palace. Just be aware of this!
Parents who talk to their young sons about sex and sexuality and masturbation and what is going on with their changing bodieeeees are awesome, but parents who like, make it easy for them to clean up after their personal, private alone time are even better.
Also: I am not sure suggesting your son clean up his junk in the sink is a better idea.
Also also: Maybe just stress to him that showering daily plus after any “strenuous activity” is a good idea?
Also also also: Awkward.
(found via Happy place)