UPDATE: Mom Of Autistic Son Receives Hateful, Soulless Screed From Mom With ‘Normal Children’
Parents of kids with special needs already have to deal with living in an outwardly ableist culture, in which neighbors immediately equate your kid’s ramp with devaluing their home. But according to the adorable tween singing duo Lennon and Maisy, a mother of an autistic son received some straight up hate mail simply for her son being alive.
The sisters tweeted that the hateful anonymous note, signed “one pissed off mother!” was delivered to a “close family friend” in Canada:
The letter describes the child as “a nuisance” to her “normal children.” The author then lambastes the mother for “selfishly” choosing to have him given that “no employer will hire him, no normal girl is going to love/marry him.” Said soulless, albeist parent then says that the family should “move or euthanize him.”
The mother has been identified as Karla Begley, whose 13-year-old son Max reportedly has severe autism. Max’s family has understandably been shaken by such UTTER douchebaggery:
”I was shaking when I was reading it,” Brenda Millson, Max’s grandmother, told CityNews. ”It’s awful words. You don’t know why somebody would ever do such a thing.”
The police have been contacted and Max’s neighborhood in Ontario is also apparently looking to smoke out this “one pissed off mother.” Should the police find any grounds for arrest, Karla and her family are absolutely planning to press charges.
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Police reportedly won’t be able to pursue hate crime charges for the anonymous letter but are pushing ahead with a criminal investigation:
“Despite the hateful language used ”¦ the content of the letter falls below the threshold for a hate crime,” police said in a statement Tuesday. “However, there are other Criminal Code issues that are being considered.”…
Police are asking anyone with information regarding the case should call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).